世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/07/28 08:12
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  • Please do not send me direct messages as I won't reply to them.

  • I do not reply to direct messages.

例1の方が、少し丁寧です。 「返信しないから送らないで」って。 例2は、ダイレクトで「これがルールになっています。誰にでも返信しません」ってもう少し硬い感じです。
Rebekah Q DMM英会話講師
  • I do not answer any direct message. Please do not send me any.

  • Do not bother in sending me a direct message, as I will not reply to any.

  • I do not reply to direct messages.

These answers tell the person not to bother sending any direct message since you will not be answering.
Kiara C DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't send me any direct messages because I do not open them.

  • I don't reply to any direct messages that are sent to my Instagram message box.

  • Thank you for your support but I do not reply to any direct messages.

The first two phrases send your request strong and clear, and everyone will understand your meaning perfectly. With the third phrase, it has a personal touch where you thank your followers for supporting you and following you on Instagram but you make it clear that you don't accept any messages. They will know not to bother you anymore and would also appreciate your kind words at the beginning. Hope this helps!
最初の二つの例は、明確で強い「お願い」で、相手にしっかりと意味が伝わります。 三つ目の例は少し私的な感じです。フォローしてくれていることについて感謝を表しながら、メッセージを受け取らないことを明確に伝えています。もう困らせてはいけないと分かってくれるでしょうし、丁寧な言葉を好意的に受け止めてくれると思います。 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Direct messages will not be acknowledged

You can use the passive form to explain how messages arriving at your Instagram account will be dealt with. This is a more formal way of saying that you will not reply to any incoming messages.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I won't reply to direct messages

  • I do not reply to direct messages

If you are telling someone that you will not do something then you would say 'I won't' if you want to say you do not do something then you would say 'I don't' so you would say 'I won't reply to direct messages' or 'I don't reply to direct messages
何かをするつもりがないことは、'I won't' で説明できます。 何かを普段からしていないことは、'I don't' で説明できます。 ですから、 'I won't reply to direct messages'(ダイレクトメッセージには返信しません) もしくは 'I don't reply to direct messages'(ダイレクトメッセージには返信していません) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I do not reply to direct messages.

  • There is no point in sending me a direct message as I won't reply to it.

The first answer is a very direct, straight to the point way of saying you won't reply to direct messages. This is because of the 'do not' in the sentence instead of 'won't' The second answer expands on it a little bit and explains to the reader that they are basically wasting their time (no point) as you won't reply. When there is 'no point' to something it means that it is a waste of time or has no aim.
最初の例は、ダイレクトメッセージには返答しないという意味ですが、とてもストレートな言い方です。「do not」でなく「won't」を使っていることがその理由です。 二つ目の例は、もう少し広げて、返信する気がないので時間の無駄だと伝えています。「there is no point in ~」は「~は時間の無駄、~に意味がない」という意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I will not reply to any direct messages.

  • I don't respond to any direct messages.

  • I won't reply to any direct messages.

You can use the words "respond" or "reply" to talk about answering a message or question.
質問やメッセージに答えることは、"respond" や "reply" で表せます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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