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2018/08/22 03:13
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  • child care

  • rear / raise a child

  • parenting

育児 = parenting, child care -Parenting is hard work! -I wish there were better child care clinics in the neighborhood. こどもを育てること=rearing a child, raising a child, child-rearing -My mother raised me all by herself. 育児休暇 = maternity leave, paternity leave, family leave -Instead of using “maternity leave” for mothers and “paternity leave” for fathers, let’s just say “family leave”. Parentingは自分の子供を育てるということです。一般的にい言えば、Child careやchild-rearingと言います。 Rearとraiseは大体同じ意味です。両方は人間を育てる場合も動物を育てる場合も大丈夫です。Rearは人間について話にもっと適当な語彙ですけど、ほとんどの人はraiseを使っています。
  • Raising a child

  • Bringing up a child

  • Parenting

In order to nurture or look after a child, the most common phrase is: Raising a child. This means to grow and support them from young until adulthood. You can say: She wanted to concentrate on raising her children. He had always wanted to raise his children himself. Another useful phrase is Bringing up a child. To bring up is also similar to the word 'rear,' it means to support and grow. You can say: He was brought up by his mother. It is difficult to bring up a child. She brought up her daughter the right way. Another phrase is Parenting This is to be a parent to someone. She had been parenting all her life. He always read books on parenting. Parenting was the most difficult for him. I hope that helps!
子どもを育てる、または世話をすることを表す場合、最も一般的なフレーズは: Raising a child. これは幼い頃から大人になるまで育て支えることを表します。 例えば: She wanted to concentrate on raising her children. 〔訳〕彼女は子育てに専念したかった。 He had always wanted to raise his children himself. 〔訳〕彼はずっと子どもを自分の手で育てたいと思っていた。 もう一つ便利なのが: Bringing up a child. 「bring up」は「rear」にも近いです、支えて育てることを表します。 例えば: He was brought up by his mother. 〔訳〕彼は母親に育てられた。 It is difficult to bring up a child. 〔訳〕子育ては難しい。 She brought up her daughter the right way. 〔訳〕彼女は正しく娘を育てた。 もう一つの言い方としては: Parenting. これは、親をするということです。 She had been parenting all her life. 〔訳〕彼女はずっと子育てをしていました。 He always read books on parenting. 〔訳〕彼は必ず子育ての本を読みました。 Parenting was the most difficult for him. 〔訳〕彼にとっては子育てが一番難しかった。 参考になるといいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • maternity leave

  • stay at home mom

  • work at home mom

Maternity leave is a period of time when a mother stays home with her newborn baby. My daughter in law took off two months when she had her baby but every job is different on the length of time. A mother that wants to stay home to raise her children for a longer period of time is a stay at home mom. A mother that works from home so she can raise her children is a work at home or work from home mom. I am taking maternity leave for two months when my baby is born. I am a stay at home mom and I home school my children. I work from home so that I can work and raise my children at the same time.
"maternity leave"(育児休暇)は、お母さんが生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんと家で過ごす期間をいいます。私の義理の娘は赤ちゃんが生まれたときに2カ月休みましたが、長さは仕事によって異なります。 子育てのためにより長い期間家で過ごすお母さんのことは""です。 子育てができるように在宅で働くお母さんは "work at home mom" または "work from home mom" といいます。 I am taking maternity leave for two months when my baby is born. (子どもが生まれたら、2カ月間育児休暇を取ります) I am a stay at home mom and I home school my children. (私は専業主婦をしていて、子どもを自宅で教育しています) I work from home so that I can work and raise my children at the same time. (仕事と子育てを両立するため在宅で働いています)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Bringing up a child

If you want to talk about the process of a parent or parents looking after their children as they grow into adults then you should use the phrasal verb : 'to bring up'. In the UK, we bring up children and rear animals. However it seems that people are also 'reared' in the US - if you want to speak American - ha, ha. "John was brought up in the foothills of Mt Snowdon in north Wales."
親が子どもを育てる過程について言いたいなら、句動詞の 'to bring up'(育てる)を使うべきです。 イギリスでは人の子どもには 'to bring up' を、動物には 'to rear' を使います。ただ、アメリカでは人にも 'to rear' が使われるようです(もしアメリカ英語が話したければ!)。 "John was brought up in the foothills of Mt Snowdon in north Wales." (ジョンはウェールズ北部、スノードン山の丘陵地帯で育ちました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Child rearing

  • Raising a child/children

  • Parenting

When you have children and look after,support,and teach them about life and growing up from infants to adults this is called 'parenting' or 'child rearing' To bring up a child from birth to being an adult is also called 'child rearing' or 'raising a child' as they rise from being little to being grown up
子どもを生まれてから大人になるまで養い、世話をし、人生について教えること、これは 'parenting' あるいは 'child rearing' といいます。 子どもを生まれてから大人になるまで育てることは、'child rearing' あるいは 'raising a child' ともいいます。子どもを子どもから大人に 'raise'(引き上げる)からです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Child-rearing

  • Parenting

  • Parenthood

Child-rearing: caring for and bringing up a child from birth to adulthood Parenting: a parent refers to either a father or a mother. Parenting describes how a mother or father cares for and raises their child. Parenthood: the state of being a parent. This term includes all the joys and responsibilities or raising a child.
Child-rearing(育児) これは、生まれてから大人になるまで子どもを育てることをいいます。 Parenting(しつけ) "Parent" は、父親または母親を指します。"Parenting" は、子どもの育て方をいいます。 Parenthood(親であること) これは、親であることをいいます。この言葉には子育てをすることの喜びや責任が含まれます。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • To raise a child.

  • To bring up a child.

When talking about parenting we use the term 'bring up' or 'raise' a child. For example: "I want to raise my children to respect their elders" "I want to bring my children up in a modern society".
bring up' あるいは 'raise' は、育児について話すときに使われます。 【例】 "I want to raise my children to respect their elders" (子どもたちには年長者を敬える人になって欲しい) "I want to bring my children up in a modern society" (現代社会の中で子どもを育てたい)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • child rearing

  • childcare

こんにちは。 ご質問いただきありがとうございます。 育児は「child rearing」や「childcare」といいます。 例えば育児休暇は「childcare leave」といいます。 (例文) I'm on childcare leave. 「私は育児休業中です」 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。                               
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