世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


海外に旅行に行って、現金が余ったときに、現金を使い切りたいときがあります。現金を3ドル持っていて、10ドルの商品を買いたいときに、 「現金を全部使って、その差額分をカードで支払いたい」というにはどうすればいいでしょうか?
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2019/01/04 16:20
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  • Can I pay the difference by credit card?

  • Can I pay 3 dollars in cash and the remainder by credit card?

「差額分をカードで払えますか」は訳すれば: 'Can I pay the difference by credit card?' 差額分= 'the difference' 詳しく説明して聞きたいときは例のとおりに: 「3ドルを現金で、差額分をカードで払えますか。」 'Can I pay 3 dollars in cash and the remainder by credit card?' こちらは'the remainder' 「残りの金額」を使いますが 'the difference' 「差額分」を入れ替えしてもいいです。
  • Can I pay with cash and put the rest on my card?

  • I'd like to pay the remaining amount on my card, is that okay?

"Can I pay with cash and put the rest on my card?" "I'd like to pay the remaining amount on my card, is that okay?" Here are two examples of asking how to pay the difference with your credit card at the store. These are two common ways of being able to express this question and something that is easily understood by store clerks. I hope that this is able to help!
"Can I pay with cash and put the rest on my card?"(現金で支払って、残りをカードで払ってもいいですか?) "I'd like to pay the remaining amount on my card, is that okay?"(残りをカードで支払いたいのですが、いいですか?) 上記は、お店で店員に対して差額をクレジットカードで支払いたいと伝える二つの言い方です。上記は、これについて尋ねる一般的な言い方で、店員にもすぐに伝わるはずです。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • I can pay part in cash and the rest on my card if that is okay with you.

  • Here is $3.00, just put the rest on my card please.

  • Please put all of it but $3.00 on my card.

I can pay part in cash and the rest on my card if that is okay with you. Here is $3.00, just put the rest on my card please. Please put all of it but $3.00 on my card. I need to spend my cash so I want to pay $3.00 with cash and the rest put on my card. I would like to pay $3.00 in cash and put the rest on my card.
I can pay part in cash and the rest on my card if that is okay with you.(一部現金で払って、残った金額をカードで払ってもいいですか) Here is $3.00, just put the rest on my card please.(3ドルです、残りはカードで払います) Please put all of it but $3.00 on my card.(3ドル以外はカードで払います) I need to spend my cash so I want to pay $3.00 with cash and the rest put on my card.(現金を使わないといけないので、3ドルは現金で、残りはカードで払いたいです) I would like to pay $3.00 in cash and put the rest on my card.(3ドルは現金で、残りはカードで払いたいです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I've got $3 cash and would like to pay the balance by card

  • I'd like to pay by card and also use up $3 odd change that I have

When traveling abroad and it's almost time to go home, you have some cash left, and want to buy something. You have 3 dollars cash, but want to buy something that is 10 dollars. You want to ask if you can pay the 3 dollars in cash and then the rest with your credit card. You use the most appropriate phrase from thos listed above.
海外旅行をしていてもうすぐ帰国するというとき、買いたいものがあって。それは値段が10ドルで、手元には3ドルあると。3ドルを現金で、残りをカードで支払うことができるか確認したい。そういうことでしょうかね。 上記のフレーズのから、最も適切なものを使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay you with these 3 dollars and the rest by credit card?

  • Can I pay with 3 dollars cash and 7 dollars by credit card?

When you want to ask someone if you can pay with the 3 dollars cash you have on you and the rest by credit card; then you may express this in the following ways: -Can I pay you with these 3 dollars and the rest by credit card? -Can I pay with 3 dollars cash and 7 dollars by credit card?
現金で3ドル、残りをクレジットカードで支払えるか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Can I pay you with these 3 dollars and the rest by credit card?(この3ドルと、残りはクレジットカードで支払ってもいいですか) -Can I pay with 3 dollars cash and 7 dollars by credit card?(3ドルは現金、残りはクレジットカードで支払ってもいいですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can I split the cost between cash and my card please?

  • I can pay for the first $3 in cash but I'd like to pay the remainder on my card.

Split the cost - splitting something means to divide it, so splitting the cost is dividing the method of payment. Pay the remainder - the remaining amount of money - so if you've already paid $3 in cash, the amount that's left will be paid in another method (card).
Split the cost(代金を割る) →"Split" は「割る」という意味です。"Split the cost" で「支払い方法を割る」という意味になります。 Pay the remainder(残りの金額を支払う) →「残りの金額を支払う」という意味です。ですから、もし現金で既に3ドル払っているなら、残りの額はカードで支払うということです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I only have 3 dollars in cash. Can I pay the balance with my credit card?

  • I'll pay 3 dollars in cash and then the outstanding 7 dollars with my credit card, if that's ok?

the balance - the amount of money that has not been paid yet outstanding amount - the amount that remains to be paid It is acceptable to inform a person of what you would like to do and then, to be polite and soften the request, you can tag a question onto the end. E.G. I'd like to pay by card, is that alright? If that's ok with you?
the balance - まだ支払われていない金額 outstanding amount - 残った金額 このようなお願いをすることは全く問題ありません。 末尾に質問を加えると、丁寧でソフトな言い方になります。 例えば: I'd like to pay by card, is that alright? If that's ok with you? (カードで支払いたいのですが、大丈夫ですか。もしよろしければ)
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay the rest by credit card?

Can I pay the rest by credit card? 残りはクレジットカードで支払えますか? 上記のような英語フレーズを使うことができます。 by credit card で「クレジットカードで」となります。 by cash なら「現金で」となります。 例: I want to pay 3 dollars in cash, and the rest by card. 3ドルを現金で、残りをカードで支払いたいです。
  • Can I pay for the rest by credit card?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Can I pay for the rest by credit card? 残りはクレジットカードで支払ってもいいですか? pay by credit card で「クレジットカードで支払う」を英語で表現することができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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