世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/11/04 10:58
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  • The B&B is a family run business

  • It is a family run B&B

  • The B&B is a run by a family.

The B&B is a family run business - Family run, means that a family own and run the business. This term can be used when talking about other businesses too. It is a family run B&B- This is a different way of stating the same thing. It is a family run business.
The B&B is a family run business B&B ("Bed and Breakfast")は家族で運営するビジネスです。 Family runは、家族がビジネスを所有し、経営するということです。 他のビジネスについて話す時も、この語は使われます。 It is a family run B&B- それは家族で経営するB&B ("Bed and Breakfast")です。 この表現は上記と同じことを伝える別の表現です。 家族経営のビジネスだということです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • The B&B is a family business.

  • This B&B is a family-owned business.

  • This B&B is run by a family.

A family-owned business' may be defined as any business in which two or more family members are involved and the majority of ownership or control lies within a family. All these sentences convey the meaning the business, namely a B&B is owned by a family.
家族経営のビジネスは、2組以上の家族が関わっていて、所有権又は統制権の大半が家族にあるビジネスと定義することができます。 これらの文はこうしたビジネスの意味を表します。 つまりB&B(Bed&Breakfast)は家族が経営しているということです。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • "Its a family run business...""Its a family affair."

  • The B& B we stayed in was a " Family( run) business"

When a business or enterprise is wholly owned and operated by the members of a family...We can say "its a Family affair"...or a "Family run business". "A mom and pop" set-up (USA) ...The Bed & Breakfast was a Family affair!
あるビジネスや事業が、完全に家族によって経営されている場合、"its a Family affair"もしくは a "Family run business"と言います。 "A mom and pop" 夫婦経営の、こぢんまりしたという意味です。 The Bed & Breakfast was a Family affair! そのB&Bは、家族経営だった。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It's a family-run B and B

  • The B and B is a family concern

  • The B and B is operated by a family

Almost all B and Bs in the UK are family-run businesses so the phrase: 'It's a family-run B and B,' is not one you would hear frequently, unless you are involved with the B and B's finances or day-to-day running, or speaking about the personalities involved in the management for some reason. A concern = a matter of interest or importance to someone, responsibility, business, affair, charge, duty, job, task, occupation "Housing is the concern of the Housing Executive"
イギリスでは、ほとんどの場合B&Bは家族経営のビジネスですので、あなたがそのB&Bの融資に関与している、 または、何らかの理由で経営に関わっている特定の人について話すのでなければ、一般的な会話でわざわざ 'It's a family-run B and B,' (家族で経営しているB&B)と`家族`を付ける事は稀でしょう。 A concern = 関心事や重要な問題、責任、仕事、職務、料金、タスク、義務、職業。 例:"Housing is the concern of the Housing Executive" (住宅問題は、住宅行政部にとっての関心事項である)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The B&B is run and owned by a family.

*The B&B is run and owned by a family. This means that the business is owned by the family and there are the ones that work there too. For example the father may do the room bookings and the wife does the cleaning.
*The B&B is run and owned by a family. B&Bのビジネスが家族によって所有されており、例えば父親が部屋の予約業務をして母親が掃除をするというように、そこで働いている者も家族であることを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The B&B is owned by my family and I am managing it.

  • The B&B is a family owned business and I manage it.

▪ The B&B is owned by my family and I am managing it. This is indicating that the B&B is your families business and you are working there full time. ▪ The B&B is a family owned business and I manage it. This is saying that the B&B is a family business and you are the person is who is working there as the manager.
・The B&B is owned by my family and I am managing it. 上記の文はB&Bがあなたの家族経営であり、あなた自身もそこでフルタイムで働いていることを示しています。 ・The B&B is a family owned business and I manage it. これもB&Bは家族経営であり、あなたはマネージャーとしてそこで働いているという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Family run B&B

  • The B&B is a family run business

  • The B&B is run by a family

If you want to explain that a business (B&B) is run by a family then you can say 'family run B&B', 'The B&B is a family run business' or 'The B&B is run by a family' these all explain the same thing that the business is run by a family
家族経営のB&Bは、 'family run B&B'(家族経営のB&B) 'The B&B is a family run business'(このB&Bは家族経営です) あるいは、 'The B&B is run by a family'(このB&Bは家族経営です) と表せます。 三つとも、言っていることは同じです。家族で経営していると伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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