世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/11/21 11:04
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  • My friend was so kind, he shared his food with me.

  • When I was hungry, my friend offered me some of her food.

"My friend was so kind, he shared his food with me." You can add the word "kind" to express how generous your friend was to share thier food with you! "When I was hungry, my friend offered me some of her food." Here you are explaining that your friend "offered" (Said you could have some) their food. It also explains why, because you were hungry.
"My friend was so kind, he shared his food with me." (私の友人は親切に彼自身の食べ物を私と分けてくれました) 友人が食べ物をあなたと分けてくれた寛大さを表すために"kind"(親切)という単語を付け加えることができます。 "When I was hungry, my friend offered me some of her food." (私がお腹をすかせていた時、友人が彼女自身の食べ物を勧めてくれました) ここでは友人が食べ物を"offered"(勧めてくれた)ことを説明しています。その理由があなたがお腹をすかせていたからであることも説明しています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • He shared his food with me.

  • He gave me some of his food.

*He shared his food with me. This means they gave you a portion of their food. For example: "He shared the pie with her." *He gave me some of his food. For example: " He gave me some of his crab salad."
*He shared his food with me. (彼は自分の食べ物を私に分けてくれました) これは彼らが料理の一部をあなたにくれたという意味です。 例: "He shared the pie with her." (彼は彼女とそのアップルパイを分けました) *He gave me some of his food. (彼は私に自分の食べ物の一部をくれました) 例: "He gave me some of his crab salad." (彼は私に自分のカニサラダを少しくれました)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • He shared his food with me.

  • He offered me some of his food.

He shared his food with me. - This is sufficient to express what you need to say. You can also say that he "offered you" or invited you to eat some of his food. A. My best friend is so kind. B. Why is that? A. He always offers to share his food with me, even when he doesn't have much. B. Aww, that's so generous of him!
"He shared his food with me." (彼が料理を分けてくれました) -この表現であなたの言いたいことを言い表すのは十分です。 また彼の食べ物を"offered you(勧める)" や"invited you(誘う)"と言う事も出来ます。 A. My best friend is so kind.  (僕の親友はとても親切なんだ) B. Why is that?  (なんで?) A. He always offers to share his food with me, even when he doesn't have much.  (彼の食べ物が十分になくても、いつも分けてくれるんだ) B. Aww, that's so generous of him!  (おお、それはとても親切だね)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My friend gave me some of his food.

  • My friend was so kind to share his food with me.

-My friend gave me some of his food. "gave" is the past tense of give. This sentence is indicating that you did not have food and your friend gave you some of his food. -My friend was so kind to share his food with me. "kind" is to be of good-hearted "share" is to give a portion of food to another This sentence is saying that your friend was good-hearted and shared his food with you.
-My friend gave me some of his food. (私の友達が料理をおすそ分けしてくれた。) "gave"は、give(与える)の過去形です。 こちらの文は、あなたが料理がなかったけど、友達が彼の料理をおすそ分けしてくれたという意味です。 -My friend was so kind to share his food with me. (私の友達はとても親切に料理をおすそ分けしてくれた。) "kind"は、親切にという意味です。 "share"は、分ける、他のところに料理の一部を与えるという意味です。 こちらの文は、あなたの友達が親切で、料理をおすそ分けしてくれたという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He shared his lunch with me

  • He gave me half of his sandwiches at lunch time

  • He split his meal with me

You may clarify this explanation by adding some extra detail such as the time of day or type of meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner. The usual term would be 'share' to explain this situation, but you could also say 'split'. "James split his hamburger with Jane as she had left her purse at home."
食事の時間帯や種類(朝食、昼食、夕食)などの情報を追加することで、この説明を明確にすることができます。このような状況を説明するのに、通常使う言葉は'share'ですが、'split'と言うこともできます。 【例文】 "James split his hamburger with Jane as she had left her purse at home."(ジェーンは自宅に財布を忘れたので、ジェームスはハンバーガーをジェーンと分けた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My friend gave me half of his/her food when he/she realized that I was also hungry .

  • My friend shared his/her food with me when he/she saw that I was also hungry.

  • My friend was very generous. He/she shared his/her food with me when I was very hungry.

When a person is hungry, sometimes others can see this through his/her facial expressions or constant yawns. The noun 'yawn' refers to the involuntary opening of one's mouth due to tiredness, hunger or sleepiness. The friend might also have noticed that you had appetite for his/her food. Appetite usually instinctively develops at the sight of food. So, the friend decided to share his/her food with you out of sympathy. So you may say: My friend gave me half of his/her food when he/she realized that I was also hungry . or My friend shared his/her food with me when he/she saw that I was also hungry. or My friend was very generous. He/she shared his/her food with me when I was very hungry.
例:My friend gave me half of his/her food when he/she realized that I was also hungry . 「私もお腹が空いていると気づいたとき、友達が食べ物を分けてくれた。」 例:My friend shared his/her food with me when he/she saw that I was also hungry. 「私もお腹が空いていると気づいたとき、友達が食べ物を分けてくれた。」 例:My friend was very generous. He/she shared his/her food with me when I was very hungry. 「私の友達は本当に優しい。お腹が空いていた時に食べ物を分けてくれたのです。」 誰かがお腹をすかせているとき、周りの人はその表情などから察することがあります。 "yawn"(あくび)は空腹や疲労、眠気などで引き起こされます。"appitite"は「食欲」という意味で、食べ物を見た時に自然と沸き起こります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My friend shared his/her food with me

  • He/she shared some of his/her food with me

  • My friend and I shared some food together

To 'share' means to both have some of something each to split something into portions so you can all have some so when you have had a portion of someone's food then you have 'shared'
To share' は「〔一緒に食べられるように食べ物を〕分ける」という意味です。 ですから、他の人と食べ物を分けたなら、'Shared'(分けた)が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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