世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/09/01 15:54
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  • The bus should be here any moment now.

  • The bus should be arriving soon.

  • The bus will be here in a moment.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - The bus should be here any moment now. - The bus should be arriving soon. - The bus will be here in a moment. P.S. 上の文脈では、「should + 動詞」は「くるハズ」という意味で使われています。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Any minute now

  • Should be here now

  • Should arrive anytime now

Whilst awaiting a bus you want to say to your friend that the bus is coming soon and will be there any minute now. In the examples above, and in general conversation, because of the context, it may not be necessary to include details of the subject of the conversation ie the bus.
バスを待っているとき、友達に「あともう少しでバスが来るよ」と言いたいということですね。 上記の例、それに一般的な会話では、文脈によって、主題について明確に伝える必要はないかもしれません。つまり、'the bus' です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's on it's way!

  • Not long now!

Not long now! This is a casual expression so when someone asks "When will the bus arrive?" You simply reply "Not long now!" There is no need to add anything else or specify a time. When you dont know the exact time of arrival but you are sure the bus will arrive you can just say "It's on it's way!" This statement indicates it will arrive hopefully very soon.
Not long now!(もうすぐ来るよ) これはカジュアルな表現です。"When will the bus arrive?"(バスはいつ来ますか)と聞かれたら、シンプルに "Not long now!" と答えることができます。他に時間などを加える必要はありません。 正確な到着時間は分からないけどバスが来ることは分かっているというときは、シンプルに "It's on its way!"(そのうちに来るよ)と言えます。これは「あるいはすぐに来るかもしれない」という意味です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • The bus should be here any minute now

  • The bus should be on its way. It will probably here in a minute or two.

When you want to assure your friend that the bus will arrive soon, then you may express this in the following ways: -The bus should be here any minute now. -The bus should be on its way. It will probably here in a minute or two.
「もう少しでバスが来る」と友達に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -The bus should be here any minute now.(もう少しバスが来るよ) -The bus should be on its way. It will probably here in a minute or two.(もうすぐバスが来るよ。たぶんあと1、2分で来ると思う)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The bus should be here any time now.

  • The bus will be here at any minute.

  • The bus will be here in a jiffy.

If you say that the bus will be here 'any time now', as stated in the first statement, you actually mean that it will be here very soon or at any moment, or, in as little time as possible. It is just the same as saying 'the bus will be here at any minute' as stated in the second statement. 'In a jiffy', as stated in the third statement actually means 'very soon'. You can also say, 'I'll be back in a jiffy' or 'I'll be with you in a jiffy'. So you may say: The bus should be here any time now. or The bus will be here at any minute. or The bus will be here in a jiffy.
一つ目の例の 'any time now' は、バスが「間もなく」到着することを表します。 これは二つ目の例の 'at any minute' と同じ意味です。 三つ目の例の 'in a jiffy' は「すぐに」という意味です。 例えば、'I'll be back in a jiffy'(すぐに戻ります)や 'I'll be with you in a jiffy'(すぐに行きます)などと言うこともできます。 次のように言えます。 The bus should be here any time now. (バスはもうすぐ来るはずです) The bus will be here at any minute. (バスはもうすぐ来ます) The bus will be here in a jiffy. (バスはもうすぐ来ます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The bus should be here at any minute now.

  • The bus should arrive at any moment.

  • The bus will be here in no time.

Saying that something will happen at "any minute", "any moment" or "any second" is a common way of saying that you expect it to happen very soon and that you don't expect to wait long. As such, the first two sentences above suggest that you expect the bus to arrive very soon. Similarly, saying that something will happen in "no time" suggests that it will happen it such a short amount of time that you were waiting for no time at all. Therefore, this is an alternative way of saying that the bus will arrive very soon.
"any minute" "any moment" または "any second" は、何かが「すぐに」起こることを表す一般的な表現です。 最初の二つの例では「バスは間もなく到着するはず」と伝えています。 同様に、"in no time" も「間もなく」何かが起こることを表します。ですから、これも「バスはすぐに到着するだろう」を表します。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • The bus should arrive at any moment.

  • It can arrive any time from now.

  • Let's keep watch, the bus should be here soon.

When the bus is scheduled to arrive at a certain time for example 15:35, at around 15:33 you could say that the bus should arrive at any moment or any minute. We use these sentences to express that the bus is nearby and that you should get ready to board the bus. Any minute and any moment point to the fact that something will happen very soon. "My brother should arrive to pick me up any minute now unless he is running late."
バスの到着予定時刻が例えば3時35分で、今が3時33分なら、"the bus should arrive at any moment / any minute"(間もなくバスが到着するはずです)と言えます。 これらの文で、「バスがもうすぐ来ること」、「バスに乗る準備をした方がいいこと」が伝わります。 "any minute" と "any moment" は、何かが「間もなく」起こることを表します。 "My brother should arrive to pick me up any minute now unless he is running late." (弟が直に迎えに来るはずです、遅れていない限りは)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Bus is on its way

  • It'll be here any second

These expressions are suggesting that the 'bus' or it can be another mode of transport like a train or car is 'on its way', this casual expression is implying that the transport is coming to you, coming towards your stop. 'It'll be here any second' this is an expression and can be used for many things that you are waiting for and are on its way to you. this sentence is saying what you are waiting for will arrive very shortly.
これらの表現は「バス(あるいは電車、車など他の交通手段でもいいですが)が 'on its way' である」と伝えています。 'on its way' はカジュアルな表現です。これは、その乗り物が「現在こちらに向かっている」というニュアンスです。 'It'll be here any second'(もうすぐ来ますよ) →これは、現在こちらに向かっているいろいろなものについて使うことができます。「それはもうすぐここに到着します」と伝えます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • We can expect the bus imminently.

  • This bus always arrives like clockwork and should arrive shortly.

We can expect the bus imminently. This sentence implies that the person know that the bus is always punctual (on time). Imminently means quite soon. This bus always arrives like clockwork and should arrive shortly. Like clockwork means that the arrival time of the bus is very precise. Shortly means very soon or pretty soon.
We can expect the bus imminently.(もうすぐバスが来ます) →これは、バスがいつも時間通りに来ることを話し手が知っているニュアンスです。"imminently" は「すぐに」という意味です。 This bus always arrives like clockwork and should arrive shortly.(このバスはいつも時間通りだからもうすぐ来るはず) →"like clockwork" はバスが時間に正確であることを表します。"shortly" は「すぐに/間もなく」の意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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