Hello, everyone! My name is Sam and I am a college educated native English speaker. My greatest achievement was winning a tennis tournament in my local area in 2014. In addition to my passion for tennis I also have an interest in south east Asia after having lived in Cambodia for six months in 2016. I am TEFL qualified and I have English teaching experience in Cambodia after I volunteered at a school there for a one month period. I have also worked as a volunteer on a dive boat on the Great Barrier Reef and in the UK I have crowd management experience working as an event steward for a well known company. I believe that the best way for people to learn any language is to engage the learners in conversations in combination with giving visual cues. I have a keen interest in helping others learn after I experienced teaching in a voluntary capacity in Cambodia. I feel that the three most important traits an English teacher must have are variety, optimism and subject knowledge.