他の人の赤ちゃんに母乳をあげる人を指す「乳母」は英語でwet nurseと言います。この場合のnurseは病院の「ナース」ではなく、育児をする人を表します。「濡れている」を意味するwetは母乳をあげることから来ています。
Former Empress Michiko is the first Empress to have brought up her children without the aid of a wet nurse.
Her Majesty the Empress Emirita Michiko is the first Empress that raised her children without a nursing mother.
美智子上皇后 Her Majesty the Empress Emirita Michiko
育てる raise
乳母 a nursing mother, a nanny, a wet nurse
最初の皇后 the first Empress
Her Majesty the Empress Emirita Michiko is the first Empress that raised her children without a nursing mother.
- wet nurse
- The former Empress Michiko (the mother of the current Emperor), was the first empress to raise a child without the assistance of a wet nurse.