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2016/12/12 22:56
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  • oldies

  • classic hits

  • songs that make me feel nostalgic.

懐メロジャンルは通常Oldiesと呼ばれますが、1970年代以前のものを指すことが多いので、90年代のヒットソングについて言いたければ classic hits (往年のヒットソング)と言った方が良いかもしれません。 ジャンルではなくて、懐かしい気持になる歌が好きだと言いたければ、 I like songs that make me feel nostalgic. (私を懐かしい気持にさせる曲が好き) と言えば良いです。自分以外の人がその曲を聴いて懐かしい気分になるかどうかはわからないことが多いので、I like nostalgic songs と言うよりも、自分の場合に限定した方が良いでしょう。 例文: "I love (the) Oldies." (私は懐メロが大好き) "I enjoy listening to classic hits." (私は懐メロを聴くのが好き) "My favorite music? That would be the songs that make me feel nostalgic." (私の好きな音楽?それは私が懐かしさを感じる曲です)
  • Old school!

  • Golden Oldie!

"Old school" and "Golden oldie" are normally used for old-fashioned songs or clothing.
"old school" も "golden oldie"も通常「昔の流行、昔風」の音楽や洋服を言い表すときに使います。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • A nostalgic song

  • That tune evokes a lot of memories.

  • That song takes me back to 'the good ol' days'

Evoke =bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind. To be taken back (in time) = to imagine that you are reliving earlier experiences. If you talk about the 'good old' days,' you mean a time in the past when you believe life was better: "I wish my grandma would stop going on about the good old days."
Evoke 意識へ感情、記憶、イメージを思い出そうとすること。 To be taken back (in time) =前の経験を追体験するイメージすること good old daysと表現するのは、自分にとって良かった時代のことを表します。 例:"I wish my grandma would stop going on about the good old days."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • a golden oldie

  • a nostalgic number

  • a trip down memory lane

"a golden oldie" An old yet likeable song. "a nostalgic number" A "number" is another word for song.If it makes you reflect fondly about the past you could call it a "nostalgic number". "a trip down memory lane" This is a figure of speech used to describe things that make you remember the past,often with fondness or longing.
"a golden oldie" An old yet likeable song. Golden Oldie=懐メロ。 "a nostalgic number" A "number" is another word for song.If it makes you reflect fondly about the past you could call it a "nostalgic number". Nostalgic number=思い出の曲。 "a trip down memory lane" This is a figure of speech used to describe things that make you remember the past,often with fondness or longing. A trip down memory lane=思い出をたどる(懐かしい思い出)。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Old School...

  • When I heard Marvyn Gaye playing I was reminded of classic old school music magic!

Back in the day...when it was Old School music; people really had a passion for it! These days not so much...with so many other distractions:-D "When I heard Marvyn Gaye playing I was reminded of classic old school music magic!
ずっと昔...「old school (古風な) music (音楽)」の時代。みんなこれに情熱を持っていました! この頃は、そこまでではないですね...ほかにいろいろ娯楽がありますし。 "When I heard Marvyn Gaye playing I was reminded of classic old school music magic!" (マーヴィン・ゲイの曲を聴いた時、old school music の名曲が持つ不思議な力を感じた)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • a classic

  • feel good music

  • blast from the past

When talking about a song that is old but gives you that makes you think of a past memory or brings back old feelings, we can say the song is a "blast from the past".
過去の懐かしい歌、いい思い出をよみがえらせてくれる歌の話をする場合、 その歌は "blast from the past"(懐かしい思い出)と言う事が出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • This song takes me down memory lane.

  • Old school hit.

This song takes me down memory lane every time that I hear it. This song is a real old school hit.
This song takes me down memory lane every time that I hear it. (この曲を聞く度、思い出がよみがえります) This song is a real old school hit. (これは懐メロですね)
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
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