・dream を名詞で使う場合
「夢を見る」は英語で have a dream のように「夢を持った」という表現をします。
I had my first dream of the year.
of the year の部分には of the New Year としても良いですが、例のように大文字を使う点に気をつけましょう。
なお、of the year の直訳は「その年の」ですが、この発言をした年のことを意味します。
car of the year カー・オブ・ザ・イヤー と言うのをテレビで聞いたことがあると思いますが、それと同じです。
I had a bad[good] dream.
・dream を動詞で使う場合
I dreamed for the first time this year.
初夢はMiss Readとおっちゃんぬ先生の書かれている通り、英語圏では気にしないですね~。
Hatsuyume is the first dream of the New Year.
Dreams of Mt. Fuji, a hawk or an eggplant are considered to be good omens for the year.
New Year's resolution(新年の抱負)をよく話題にしていましたよ。
dream = 夢
first = 最初の
new year = 新年
Mt. Fuji = 富士山
hawk = 鷹
eggplant = 茄子
good omen = 縁起が良い
A New Year's Resolution is promise one makes to oneself to do something, for example, to start going to the gym.
To stick to something - to persrvere and try to do what you wanted without change.
A: Have you made any New Year Resolutions yet?
B: Yes, I want to learn a new language. How about you?
A: No, I try but I never stick to them.
A New Year's Resolutionは、例えばジムに通い始めるといった何かを始めることを自分に約束することです。
To stick to something -したいと思っていたことを続けることです。
A: Have you made any New Year Resolutions yet?
B: Yes, I want to learn a new language. How about you?
A: No, I try but I never stick to them.
A New Year's resolution (to make that dream come true).
It's the first dream of the new year.
It's the first dream I had this year.
'A New Year's resolution' is a plan to do something positive or different in the new year. If you have a dream or ambition. it may be good for your motivation to 'make a resolution' that will take you nearer to that goal
New Year's resolutionは新年から良いこと、または何か違ったことを行う計画のことを指します。もし夢や大志があるのなら自分のゴールに近づくようなResolution(抱負)をたてるといいでしょう!
Any one of the following would be suitable to use in this situation :-)
In Example A you are stating that it is your first dream for the year and in example B you are including the year.
I hope this helps :-)
"First dream of the new year." Means the dream you had on the first day of the new year.
"First dream this year." The first dream you had in the current year.
"First dream of the new year."
"First dream this year."
When simply talking about a dream that we have while we are sleeping we would say that it is, "the first dream of the year." If you're talking about a dream that you have for yourself to accomplish within the next year we would say that this is a, "new years resolution."