She was very brave to save a little boy from being run over by a car.
He is gallant even in the face of tragedy.
He is a fearless rescue crew.
She was very brave to save a little boy from being run over by a car.
He is gallant even in the face of tragedy.
He is a fearless rescue crew.
He is bold to ask a girl out right in front of his ex-girlfriend.
He is absolutely shameless.
He is such an audacious man that he doesn't even flinch when he was late for his own presentation.
というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ
brave = 勇ましい/勇敢な
gallant = 勇ましい/勇敢な
fearless = 怖いもの知らず/大胆な/勇敢な
bold = 大胆な/図々しい/太々しい
shameless = 厚かましい/恥知らず/神経が太い
audacious = 勇敢な/大胆不敵な/神経が太い
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
まず「度胸」と聞くと nerve が浮かびます。
It takes nerve to tell the boss that he's wrong.(上司に向かって間違っていると言うには度胸が要るよ。)
I didn't have the nerve to ask her out.(彼女をデートに誘う度胸がなかった。)
I got up my nerve to stand up to the bullies.(度胸をきめて(=勇を鼓して)いじめっこに立ち向かっていった。)
Our teacher is very strict, but he's always dozing off in class. What a nerve.(うちの担任はきびしい人なのに、あいつはいつも授業中居眠りしている。たいした度胸だよ。)
You have a lot of nerve to come to work late every morning.(毎朝会社に遅刻してくるなんて、おまえいい度胸してるよなァ。)
nerve ならポジ・ネガどちらの意味合いの度胸も表せると思います。
他にはやはり courage(勇気)が思い浮かびますが、こちらは良い意味で使うものですね。