世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/10 01:31
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  • We are at a dead-end.

  • There is no way out.

  • We are stuck.

「Dead-end」は行き止まりという意味です。完全に行ける道がない状態=「八方塞がり」であることを意味します。「There is no way out.」も同様の考え方です。 「Stuck」はもともと「動かない」「挟まった」という意味ですが、「We're stuck.」でまさに自分が動けない状態=「八方塞がり」な状態であることを意味します。ただこちらは抜け出せる可能性もあるため、「Dead-end」や「No way out」よりも弱めの表現です。
Akihito Mizukoshi トロント在住ライター
  • Dilemma

  • Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  • This is it.

When a situation has no solution you can say: There's no way out. This means that there is no exit or no way of getting out of this problem. Normally a problem that cannot be solved is called a dilemma An idiom to describe when you are in a difficult situation is: I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. That means that whichever way I turn it is very difficult. I am either turning to a rock or a hard place which are both difficult. I hope that helps!
どうしようもないシチュエーションのときは There's no way out. と言うことができます。 これは、出口がないとか、問題の解決手段がないことを意味します。 通常、解決することができない問題は dilemma とも言えます。 I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. 難しい状況にいることを表現するイディオムもあります。 I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. これは、どちらを向いても厳しい状況だということを意味します。岩も、難しい場所も、どちらも苦境で板挾みされています。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • A stalemate.

  • A deadlock

  • An impasse

These are all great ways o describe a situation where there is no way out. A stalemate. Usage: "the talks had reached a stalemate." A deadlock Usage : Ashton broke the deadlock with a penalty after 15 minutes "An impasse" Usage:"the negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse/"
These are all great ways o describe a situation where there is no way out. 上の表現は全部良い方法や抜け道がないときに使える表現です。 A stalemate. 使い方: "the talks had reached a stalemate." A deadlock 使い方 : Aston broke the deadlock with a penalty after 15 minutes "An impasse" 使い方:"the negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse/"
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'm trapped

  • There is no solution

  • An unsolvable problem

When you cannot think of a way to solve a problem or deal with a situation you can describe that situation as a situation where there is no way out. You can use the expression "I'm trapped" to describe a situation where there is no solution. To be trapped means you are in an unpleasant situation and you cannot think of a solution. Example: "I felt trapped when I lost my job and became poor." An "unsolvable problem" can also describe a situation where there is no way out. Unsolvable means a problem or situation that cannot be solved.
解決法が見つからないときや出口がまるで見つかりそうにない時に使います。 "I'm trapped"はまっている。とは、解決法がまったくないこと。 To be trapped は、あなたが困ったシチュエーションに陥っていて、解決する方法がわからないという状態です。 例: "I felt trapped when I lost my job and became poor."失業して貧乏になったとき、完全にドツボにはまっていると感じた。 "unsolvable problem"解決法のない問題は、出口がない状態ともいえます。 . Unsolvable は、解決できないという意味。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • An impasse

Impasse - a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock, dead end, stalemate, checkmate, stand-off; standstill, halt, stop, stoppage, full stop. "The current political Brexit negotioations have reached an impasse." "The talks between management and the union representatives seemed to have reached an impasse."
Impasse - 難局、特に意見の相違や意見不一致、deadlock(行き詰まり)、dead end (窮境)、stalemate (膠着状態)、checkmate (行き詰まり)、stand-off スタンドオフ(行き詰まり), standstill (行き詰まり)、halt (休止)、stoppage(休止)、full stop (終止符)のためにそれ以上の進行が不可能な状況を言い表します。 "The current political Brexit negotioations have reached an impasse." "The talks between management and the union representatives seemed to have reached an impasse."   「現在の政治的Brexit交渉は難局に達している」   「経営陣と組合代表の交渉は行き詰まりに達したようだ」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • dead end

  • deadlock

We have reached a dead end. The two sides have now reached deadlock. We've come to a dead end? The result came after a period of political deadlock.
We have reached a dead end.私たちは行き詰まった The two sides have now reached deadlock.両側が今行き詰まってしまった We've come to a dead end?行き詰まってしまいましたか? The result came after a period of political deadlock. 結果は政治的な行き詰まりの期間の後にきた。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) There is no way out

  • B) cul-de-sac

A) There is no way out - A dead end / an end of a road or passage from which no exit is possible. B) cul-de-sac - a street or passage closed at one end. I hope this helps :-)
A) There is no way out - 行き止まり。出て行くのが不可能な道の終わり。 B) cul-de-sac - 行き止まりの道、小道 役立ちますように!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • we're at a dead-end

  • lose-lose situation

  • no-win situation

A dead-end situation is when there's not way forward. A lose-lose situation or a no-win situation is when any action you take will result in something bad or unwanted.
A dead-end situation というのは、もう前には進めない状況のことを表します。 A lose-lose situation もしくは no-win situation は、あなたが取った行動が、悪い結果や、 望まない結果をもたらす状況を表します。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • We are stuck.

  • A dead end

"We are stuck." This can be use in the literal sense meaning that you are stuck and you can move. Maybe you are in a car and it starts sinking in mud and you cannot move anywhere. So you can "We are stuck". Also, dead-ended means having no possibility for or hope of progress, advancement, etc.: For example :a low-level, dead-end job.
"We are stuck." 出口がどこにもない、閉じ込められた、身動きが取れない 泥沼にはまった車内でどこにも逃げ場がないなど。そういう状況で使います。 dead-ended は八方ふさがりといういみで進歩する、成長する見込みがない 例 :レベルの低い、出世の見込みのない仕事
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "This situation can not change, there is no way out of it"

  • "This situation is deadlock, we cannot change it"

  • "There is no way to fix this situation"

If you are stuck in a situation where there is no way out, you could state any of the following: "This situation can not change, there is no way out of it", "This situation is deadlock, we cannot change it" or "There is no way to fix this situation". All three of these sentences describe this situation.
「出口のない状況」は次のように表すことができます。 "This situation can not change, there is no way out of it"(どうにもならない状況だ。出口がない) "This situation is deadlock, we cannot change it"(完全に行き詰まってしまった、どうにもならない状況だ) "There is no way to fix this situation"(八方ふさがりだ)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Dilemma

  • A dead end

  • We are stuck

All three of these example words can we use when talking about being in a situation where there is no way out or we can't do anything further to advance or improve our situation. Example sentences : - We have a dilemma. - We have reached a dead end. - We are at a dead end. - We are stuck.
これらの語句は全て「出口のない状況」や「なすすべのない状況」を表します。 例文: - We have a dilemma.(板挟みになっている) - We have reached a dead end.(八方ふさがりになっている) - We are at a dead end.(八方ふさがりになっている) - We are stuck.(八方ふさがりになっている)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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