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2016/01/18 14:34
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  • beautiful girl

  • pretty girl

  • nymph

直球表現だと beautiful girl や pretty girl がよいですね。 婉曲に表すなら nymph(妖精のように美しい美少女) とか  rosebud (薔薇のつぼみのよいに綺麗な美少女)とかも使われます。 ご参考になさって下さいね。
  • Pretty girl

  • Pretty little girl

中高生を方をさすのであれば”little”はつけなくて大丈夫です。 "pretty"と似ていて”cute”もカワイイというような意味がありますが、少しだけニュアンスが違っています(←こちらの点についてはさまざま議論があるのであくまで個人の感覚になりますが。) 日本語に訳すと、 pretty=キレイ。”beautiful”に近いような、より大人びた印象のことば。 cute=(純粋に)カワイイ。小さなものがカワイイとか。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • a doll

  • cute

  • gorgeous

In English, another way to call someone "beautiful" is to say that they are a "doll." You can especially use this for younger girls. A: Have you seen Keri's little sister lately? B: Yes! She is such a doll! (= she is really pretty) It's also okay to say that they are cute. If you are a little older and want to compliment a much younger girl, it's normal to say that she is "cute" or "a cutie." A: We took this picture this weekend, take a look. B: Oh wow, your daughter is really cute! She's gonna be a heartbreaker when she gets older. Lastly, all women, no matter how old, will never object to being called "gorgeous." ^^
英語で誰かを「beautiful」と呼ぶことは、「doll(人形)」のようだという意味の表現です。 特に、若い女の子に使うことができます。 A: Have you seen Keri's little sister lately? 最近、Keriの妹をみましたか? B: Yes! She is such a doll! (= she is really pretty) はい。彼は人形のようですね。(すごくかわいい) cute(かわいい)と言っても大丈夫です。 少し年上で若い女の子を褒めたい時は、彼女は、「cute」 や「a cutie」ということができます。 A: We took this picture this weekend, take a look. 週末写真を撮りました。みて。 B: Oh wow, your daughter is really cute! She's gonna be a heartbreaker when she gets older. おお、あなたの娘はとてもかわいいですね。 大きくなったらハートブレーカー(魔性の女)になりそうですね。 最近、全ての女性に対して、年齢に関係なく「gorgeous」と呼ぶことできます。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • A) She's really breathtaking.

  • B) She's so ravishing.

Hello Nobu :-) I hope this helps! A) She's really breathtaking. - astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away. Example - Claire's sister is really breathtaking. B) She's so ravishing. Definitions *Ravishing - delightful Example -"she looked ravishing"
こんにちは、Nobuさん、参考になるといいです! A) She's really breathtaking. - 息をのむほど(すばらしい、驚く) 例 - Claire's sister is really breathtaking. (Claireのお姉さん[妹]は本当にきれい) B) She's so ravishing. 【語句】 *Ravishing - delightful (魅力的な) 例 -she looked ravishing (彼女はとてもきれいだった)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • She's a knockout!

  • She's really fit!

  • She's very attractive!

'She's really fit!' is quite modern slang. These expressions are all designed for the case of chatting to a friend ABOUT a girl, not to be said to a girl!
She's really fit!はかなり最近使われるスラングです。こういう表現は友達同士で女の子の話をするときに使うので、女性の前でいっちゃだめですよ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • pretty

  • beautiful

If you describe someone, especially a girl, as pretty, you mean that they look nice and are attractive in a delicate way. Examples : "She's a very charming and very pretty girl." "Some children stand out as pretty and charming."
人、特に女子のことをPrettyと言うのは、その人の外見が魅力的という意味です。 例文: "She's a very charming and very pretty girl." "Some children stand out as pretty and charming." ①彼女はとてもチャーミングで可愛い女の子だね。 ②中でも、可愛くてチャーミングな子供達は目立つ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A beautiful woman.

  • An extremely attractive woman.

A or An: Use 'a' before words that start with a consonant sound. Use 'an' before words that start with a vowel sound (a e i o u). __________________________________________________________________________ Other adjectives that can be used: lovely stunning gorgeous ________________________________________________________________________ Examples Susan is a beautiful woman. I would like to marry an extremely attractive woman. I consider her to be a stunning woman.
A とAnの使い分け 'a' 子音の前 'an' 母音の前 (a e i o u). __________________________________________________________________________ ほかの形容詞は、 lovely  かわいい stunning 魅力的な、ぼーっとさせるほど素敵 gorgeous 豪華、素晴らしい ________________________________________________________________________ 例 Susan is a beautiful woman.スーザンは美しい女性だ I would like to marry an extremely attractive woman.すごく魅力的な女性と結婚したい I consider her to be a stunning woman.彼女は魅力的な女性だと思う
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A beautiful girl

  • A very pretty girl

To say the sentence "a very pretty girl" you don't have a lot of option but I wrote one of it, so, hope it will be useful for you.
"a very pretty girl"(美少女)の言い方はそれほど多くありません、そのうちの一つをお示ししました。参考になれば幸いです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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