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2017/09/27 10:40
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  • A vacant house

  • A desolate house

*---> If something is vacant, it is not being used by anyone. *---> A desolate place is empty of people and lacking in comfort. *Down the street is a vacant house. *The desolate house looks scary.
*--->vacantは誰にも使われていない、使用中ではないと言う意味です。 *---> A desolate place は誰も使っておらず、居心地が良くないと言う場所に使います。 *Down the street is a vacant house. 道の先に空き家がある。 *The desolate house looks scary. その空き家はすごく怖い。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • the house has been unoccupied for some time.

  • The house is vacant.

  • The house is currently empty.

"the house has been unoccupied for some time. "We use 'unoccupied' to show that a building is not in use. It is a phrase you can use formally and informally and would find a lot of people using the phrase. "The house is vacant." =This sentence has the same function as the one above, the word 'vacant' is similar to 'unoccupied' to show that a building is not in use. "The house is currently empty." Unlike the two previous sentence, this sentence would mean there is no person in the building or that it is not in use and has no furniture inside as well.
"the house has been unoccupied for some time.ビルが誰にも使われていないことを示すために'unoccupied' を使います。 このフレーズは様々な場面で気軽に使われています。 "The house is vacant." =この文は上記と同じ意味です。 'vacant' は 'unoccupied'と同じです。 "The house is currently empty." 先ほど紹介した二文とは違い、これは人がいないまたは使われていなくて家具もないということです。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Abandoned

  • Empty

  • Derelict

Depending on the condition of the house, you can simply say an empty house. If the house is old and unkept, you may refer to it as abandoned or derelict. In regards to derelict, it means a piece of property that has been abandoned by the owner and/or left in poor condition. Other words you may use are vacant and unoccupied.
家のコンディション次第で、いろんな言い方があります。 単純な言い方であれば、an empty houseということができるでしょう。 もし、家が古くて、管理されてなければ、abandoned/derelictという言い方もできます。 derelicitという言葉は、所有者が捨てた、または非常に悪い状態で取り残されてしまっている、という状況で使います。 そのほか、使える表現としては、vacantやunoccupiedが使えるでしょう。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • A vacant house

  • An unoccupied house

  • A deserted house

A vacant house is a house where nobody is residing at the present time. Similarly, as unoccupied house has no 'occupants' or residents, so is also 'an empty house.' A deserted house is a house where the occupants have all left. 'Deserted' has the additional meaning of perhaps having been left for a particular reason which made the house unoccupiable, for example, flood, war or natural disaster.
A vacant house は、今誰も住んでいない家のことです。 同様にunoccupied houseには占有者や住人がいませんので、同様に空き家です。 A deserted houseは、居住者が皆出てしまった家です。 'Desertedには、洪水や自然災害のような家に住むことが出来ない特別な理由で、人が出てしまったという別の意味があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • empty house

  • vacant house

1)empty house 『空の家』 2)vacant house『使っていない家』 直訳するとこんな感じになります。 1)の方は家の中に誰もいないという意味合いになり、 2)の方は誰も住んでいない、使っていない家という意味合いになります。
  • vacant

  • abandoned

If a house has no one living in it you can call it "vacant" but if no one is living in it because of damage or structural problems and would be unsafe you can call it "abandoned".
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The house is unoccupied.

  • The house is empty.

  • The house is vacant.

Ways to explain that a house is vacant are: The house is unoccupied. The house is empty. The house is vacant. The property is unoccupied. The property is empty. The property is vacant. Nobody lives in the house. Nobody lives in the property. The house is uninhabited.
家が空いていることを説明する言い方は、以下のような言い方があります: The house is unoccupied. The house is empty. The house is vacant. The property is unoccupied. The property is empty. The property is vacant. Nobody lives in the house. Nobody lives in the property. The house is uninhabited.
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • That house is standing empty.

  • There are no occupants in that house.

That house is standing empty. Standing empty means that the house does not contain any occupants / furniture. There are no occupants in that house. This means that the house is unused /unoccupied / deserted.
That house is standing empty. (その家は空き家です。) 「Standing empty」とは、その家が誰も住んでおらず、家具も置いていないことを意味します。 There are no occupants in that house. (その家は空き家です。) これは、その家が使用されていない/空いている/人が住んでいないことを意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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