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2017/12/19 00:05
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  • It is touch-and-go whether or not I passed.

Touch-and-go means that you are uncertain about something.
Kirst English teacher
  • I might pass by the skin of my teeth.

  • I might fail by a cat's whisker.

  • It could go either way

All of the above sentences mean you will pass or fail by a small amount. By the skin of your teeth is used when something is positive but only just e.g. I was late for my train, but I caught it on time by the skin of my teeth. A cat's whisker is very thin - it means a small amount e.g. I was a cat's whisker away from winning the race. - it means you only just, by a small amount, lost the race. It could go either way - this means you are in the middle and you could succeed or you could fail because you are very close to both. e.g At 80 minutes the football match could go either way and there is no clear winner. I hope this helps Jane :)
上記のフレーズ全ては、少しの差で受かるか落ちるかを表しています。 “by the skin of your teeth”はほんの少しの可能性があるときに使われます。 例えば “I was late for my train, but I caught it on time by the skin of my teeth.” (電車に遅れたが、何とか時間に電車に乗ることができました。) “a cat’s whisker is very thin.”は、少量を表すときに使います。 例えば、 “I was a cat’s whisker away from winning the race.” (私はあのレースにあと少しで勝てた。) これは、本当に微差でそのレースに負けたことを意味しています。 “It could go either way.”は、成功と失敗のちょうど真ん中にいることを表しています。 例えば、 “At 80 minutes the football match could go either way and there is no clear winner.” (サッカーの試合80分の時点では、どちらにも転ぶことができて、はっきりとした勝者はまだいません。) 役に立てれば、嬉しいです。 ジェーン: )
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I think I might have just about scraped by.

When we say we scraped by something, we mean that we only just did it or got it. You weren't majorly over the line, you just scraped past it. When talking about an exam, it would mean you only passed by 1/2 points. If you're not sure if you passed or failed, you can say might or think.
"scraped by~"はそれをやってのけたという意味があります。 ボーダーラインを大きく上回ってはおらず、それをかするようにして合格するという意味です。 試験について話すときは、それはたった0.5点の差で合格したという意味になるかもしれません。また、合格か不合格か分からないときは"might"や”think”を使いましょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It could go either way.

  • I might pass by the skin of my teeth.

"It could go either way." This expresses to the person that you are unsure of if you will pass or fail but it will be very close either way. "I might pass by the skin of my teeth." This tells the person that you may just pass but the possibility of failing is also there.
"It could go either way."(どちらも起こりうる) これは受かったか受からなかったか分からないけど、どちらにせよ合格ラインにかなり近かったことを意味します。 "I might pass by the skin of my teeth."(ギリギリ合格するかもしれない)これはこれは不合格になる可能性もあるということを示します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Its a close thing...

  • I must wait for my results to be sure, but I feel Its a close thing...I may scrape through.

"I may just scrape through" an often heard phrase around exam time;-)) And when we are unsure we could say "its gonna be a close thing" I must wait for my results to be sure, but I feel Its a close thing. I may scrape through.
"I may just scrape through".(かろうじて合格かもしれないです)   試験の時期によく聞く言葉です。 それが確かではない時、次のように言えます。 "It'a gonna be a close thing"(ギリギリだと思います) 例文: "I must wait for my results to be sure, but I feel Its a close thing. I may scrape through." (結果がわかるまで待たなければなりません。けれど、ギリギリだと思います。かろうじて受かるかもしれません。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It's in the lap of the gods

Explanation: If something is in the lap of the gods, it means that you have no idea which way it will go. In other words, it could go one way or the other. In any case, nothing you can do now will change the end result. In terms of an exam, this expression would mean that you have a 50/50 chance of passing in your opinion. Example sentence: "Whether John passes or fails is now in the lap of the gods."
解説:もしも誰かが神の膝に乗っている in the lap of the gods 場合、その人は次に何が起こるか全然予測できないという意味になります。別の表現ですと、どちらにも成り得るということです。どちらにしても、あなたが何をしても結果を変えることはできません。試験でいうなら五分五分の確率で合格すると考えるということです。 例文: "Whether John passes or fails is now in the lap of the gods." (ジョンが合格するかどうかは今や神のみぞしることだね。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's too close to call

"Too close to call" describes a resulting that could go either way. For example, political elections sometimes are too close to call, until the official results are published. This expression comes from sports, where call has signified “a judgment” since the mid-1600s.
"Too close to call" という表現は、「結果がどらにも転がる可能性がある」ということを表します。 "Political elections sometimes are too close to call, until the official results are published. (政治選挙は実際に結果が発表されるまでどうなるかわかりません。) この"Too close to call"というフレーズは、スポーツで"call"="a judgment"(判定)として1600年代半ばから使われるようになったことが由来です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I am on the edge of passing or failing this class.

  • I am on the border of passing or failing this class.

Here we can either use the words, "edge," or, "border," to explain that very close to either passing or failing something interchangeably to mean the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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