世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/29 10:29
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  • I got tired of waiting.

  • I'm tired of waiting.

"I got tired of waiting."を使用します。これは、過去の出来事で、待っていた時間が過ぎた後の気持ちを表します。直訳すると、「待つのに疲れた」となります。 一方、今現在待つことに疲れた様子を表現するには、"I'm tired of waiting."と言います。これは、まだ待っている途中もしくは、それによりよる疲労感が持続している状態を示します。 "This waiting is exhausting."という言い方もあります。 例: Boyfriend: I'm so sorry to have made you wait. 彼氏:待たせてほんとごめん。 Me: I got tired of waiting! 私:待ちくたびれたよ! Boyfriend(on the phone): Sorry, I'm gonna be late. 彼氏(電話で):ごめん、遅くなりそう。 Me: I'm already tired of waiting! 私:もうすでに待ちくたびれたよ! Jenny: Where's Tom? He's late. ジェニー:トムは?遅くね? Me: I'm so tired of waiting. 私:もう超待ちくたびれた〜。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • 1. I waited an hour and went home.

  • 2. I gave you plenty of time to get here. An hour's enough!

  • 3. I waited an hour and then went home to watch some paint dry.

In this situation, politeness is not necessary in the UK. Just stating the facts is enough. 1. Here you state the unemotional facts. 2. You explain you allowed more than enough time for your boyfriend to arrive. 3. This sentence explains quite sarcastically that you are upset by waiting for such a long time. To watch paint dry = to be totally bored by doing something tedious (like waiting for someone).
英国ではこのような状況で礼儀は必要ありません。事実だけを述べれば十分です。 1.ここであなたは感情抜きで事実を述べます。 2. ボーイフレンドが到着するのに十分な時間を猶予してあげている。 3.この文章は、このような長い時間を待って怒っていることをすごく皮肉って説明しています。 To watch paint dry=(誰かを待っているなど)面倒なことをすることですごく退屈すること。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I waited forever then eventually decided to leave.

  • The wait was interminable so I left!

I waited forever is a form of exaggeration (hyperbole) which aptly explains a very long wait that seems to have no end in sight. Interminable is used to describe an endless wait.
I waited foreverは、誇張(誇張法)の一形態で、 終わりの見えないような非常に長い待ち時間を適切に説明します。 Interminableは、終わりのない待ち時間を説明するのに使用されます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I am sick of waiting.

待ちくたびれた。 待つのにうんざり。 be sick of... ・・・に飽きる ・・・にうんざりしている
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • I got tired of waiting

  • I was sick of waiting

  • I was sick and tired of waiting

To say you are 'sick of waiting' or 'tired of waiting' or even 'sick and tired of waiting' does not literally mean you became ill or sleepy from waiting around. We use these terms to convey that we are annoyed and frustrated, and that we no longer wish to engage with it anymore. You can use it on other examples, for example: "I got tired of wearing the same shoes everyday" "I got sick of seeing her all the time" "I got tired of eating the same boring food everyday, so I quit my diet!"
sick of waiting' または 'tired of waiting' 、もしくは 'sick and tired of waiting'というフレーズは、待ちくたびれて病気になった、眠くなったということを意味するわけではありません。 これは、いらいらしたり、不満に思ったり、もうそれに関わりたくないということを意味します。 例: "I got tired of wearing the same shoes everyday" 毎日同じ靴を履くのに飽きた。 "I got sick of seeing her all the time" いつも彼女に会うのに飽き飽きした。 "I got tired of eating the same boring food everyday, so I quit my diet!" 毎日、同じ食事に飽き飽きしたから、ダイエットをやめた!
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I got tired of waiting.

  • I got sick and tired of waiting for you/him/her.

If you would like to express to someone that you got tired/annoyed while waiting on them, you can say something like "I got sick and tired of waiting for you/him/her." or "I'm done waiting on you, I have been sat here for ages.". Most people find it very disrespectful and rude to be super late and often use phrases like "sick and tired" which means you are fed up of something.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Sick of waiting

  • After an hour standing around, I was sick of waiting and went home!

We figuratively "get sick of things" we don't like! Not actually vomiting.. but we can be said to be ... "sick to our stomach" about ...Wars around the world, " I was sick of his treachery" This phrase is a strong statement of disgust and annoyance... After an hour standing around, I was sick of waiting and went home!
比喩的に好きでないことを"get sick of things"(物事にうんざりする)と言います。実際に吐く訳ではありませんが、"sick to our stomach"(ムカムカする)ということが出来ます。世界で起こっている戦争とかがそうですね。 例文 " I was sick of his treachery" 彼の裏切り行為にうんざりした このフレーズは、嫌悪感とイライラした気持ちを強く表しています。 例文 After an hour standing around, I was sick of waiting and went home! 1時間立ったいたので、待ちくたびれて家に帰った
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm tired of waiting.

  • I'm sick of waiting.

Here are some examples of these words being used in context: I have been waiting for him to show up for ages, I'm so bored! I'm tired of waiting! I have been waiting here for so long, it's so boring, I'm sick of waiting!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I got fed up waiting for you.

  • I got tired of waiting

We might say 'after waiting for you for over an hour, I got fed up and left.' or 'I got tired of waiting for you'. We use 'fed up' as a way to express boredom or annoyance at something that we have been doing for a period of time.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • i got sick of waiting

  • I was tired of waiting

  • waiting around was tedious

example "I got sick of waiting for him". or "i was tired of waiting around". or more formally "waiting for him became tedious".
例: "I got sick of waiting for him" 彼を待ちくたびれた。 "I was tired of waiting around" 待ちくたびれた。 もっとフォーマルな表現だと、  "Waiting for him became tedious" 彼を待つのにうんざりした。 となります。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I was tired of waiting for you to pitch up.

  • You took forever to show up and I got too tired of waiting for you.

"I was tired of waiting for you to pitch up. "- We use the phrase "pitch up" when we are speaking about someone showing up for something. If you wish to not wait any longer for someone, we say you got "tired of waiting". In this sentence you are saying that you got tired of waiting for your boyfriend to show up to your date. "You took forever to show up and I got too tired of waiting for you. "- We merely use "forever" to give a time frame of how long felt. It doesn't mean literally forever, it just means that he took a long time to pitch up for the meeting.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I got tired of waiting so I decided to leave

  • I don't have much patience so after a few minutes I split

Some people are very punctual, while other people are not. If we arrange to meet someone at a specific time or place we expect them to be there at the arranged time. It can be very stressful if the person doesn't arrive on time because we may need to go somewhere else, so this occurrence can ruin our plans. In the second sentence "split" means to leave a place very suddenly
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I'm tired of waiting.

  • I got tired of waiting.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I'm tired of waiting.」 「I got tired of waiting.」 =待ちくたびれた。 (例文)I'm tired of waiting. I want to sit down. My legs hurt. (訳)待ちくたびれた。座りたい。足が痛い。 (例文)I got tired of waiting so I went home. (訳)待ちくたびれたから帰った。 便利な単語: wait 待つ お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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