ゴールデンタイムは和製英語で、英語ではprime timeと言います。
prime-time TV show で、ゴールデンの番組、となります。
I like prime-time soap operas.で、ゴールデンタイムのドラマが好き、という意味です。
いわゆる、月9のようなドラマを、prime-time soap operasと呼びます。
soap operaは、恋愛ドラマを指す単語ですが、この手のドラマのスポンサーの多くが、
家庭用洗剤やシャンプーなどの会社であるため、soap operaと呼ばれるようになりました。
In the UK when the most people watch the tv we call this 'prime time tv' which is usually starting at 7pm when most people are home form work and relaxing
Prime meaning 'the best' so the people watching will be the most -more poeple watching it
イギリスでは、最も多くの人がテレビを視聴する時間のことを'prime time TV'(ゴールデンタイムのテレビ)といいます。普通これは、たいていの人が仕事から帰って家でくつろいでいる夜7時から始まります。
"Peak viewing time is usually between 6pm and 9pm in the UK."
"Peak listening time is between 7am and 9am."
"The DJ on the morning show is the highest paid presenter of all."
Prime time
Definition : the time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest.
eg.The show is networked at prime time
Peak times
Definition :a time of day when a lot of people are using the same service, such as the internet, phone,
eg.Sign up for our special deals on peak time calls.
Prime time
Definition : ラジオやテレビで視聴率が最も高い時間を指します。
例.The show is networked at prime time
Peak times
例.Sign up for our special deals on peak time calls.
-Peak time
>This is the time when a lot of people are doing something at the same time.
eg. 19:00 is the best radio time.
-Core time
>Core time is the most important time of the day.
eg. The core time for me to watch TV is between 19:00 and 22:00.
-Essential time
>Essential time is the time you must do something specific.
eg. It is essential for you to listen to the radio every night at 19:00.
-Peak time
例:19:00 is the best radio time.
-Core time
core timeは、一日の最も重要な時間のことです。
例:The core time for me to watch TV is between 19:00 and 22:00.
-Essential time
essential timeは、具体的に何かをしなければならない時間のことです。
例: It is essential for you to listen to the radio every night at 19:00.
"Prime time" is the time where the most people are watching the television at one time. For example, "Prime time is at 8pm in England". If you were a film company, you would want your show to be on at prime time.
"Prime time"(ゴールデンタイム)は、最も多くの人がテレビを見る時間帯をいいます。
"Prime time is at 8pm in England"
もし映画会社をしていれば、自分たちの番組を "Prime time" に放送して欲しいと思うでしょう。