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うなぎが乗った丼ぶりを、「うな丼(鰻丼)」といいます。 日本では土用の丑の日に食べることもありますね。
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2018/02/20 19:19
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  • Eel Don

  • Grilled eel rice bowl

うな丼はEel Donになります。 日本食レストランで「丼」は大抵そのまま「Don」なので「Eel Don」です。 ただしそのままでは分からない人もいるので、Donが何かと聞かれたら「Rice Bowl」 うな丼とか結局何かと言えば「Grilled eel rice bowl」ですね。 日本人以外ではうなぎを食べるのが苦手な人も結構いるようですが。。。
Rieko A ブロガー/IT企業社員 in シドニー
  • White rice with grilled eel

  • Unadon

This dish is simply rice and eel. Probably if you were in Japan you would describe it by its Japanese name and then explain what it was"It's unadon: rice and grilled eel."
この料理は、シンプルにご飯とうなぎです。もし日本にいるなら、日本語の名称をそのまま使って、その後それが何なのか説明すると思います。 It's unadon: rice and grilled eel.(うな丼です、ご飯とうなぎのかば焼き)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Eel bowl

  • A large bowl with white rice and eel fillets

Unadon is a large bowl of steamed white rice topped with eel fillets that are usually grilled kabayaki-style. The eel is glazed with a sweetened soy sauce and caramelized, often over charcoal fire. Then more sauce is added to ensure that both the fillets and the white rice are covered. Sometimes, dried sanshō berries are sprinkled on as seasoning. In the Kantō region, the eel is steamed before being grilled with sauce, which makes it more tender. In the Kansai region, the eel is grilled without steaming.
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • Grilled eel rice bowl

  • Unadon is steamed white rice topped with grilled eel

Unadon is a Japanese dish. It is steamed white rice that is topped with eel that thas been grilled kabayaki-style. The eel has been glazed with a sweet soy sauce.
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Unadon

  • Steamed rice with grilled eel on top sprinkled with dried berries.

Japanese cuisine has become more famous around the world but if your friend doesn't know what unadon is, tell them it's simply steamed rice that has grilled eel on top and that it is cooked similar to a teriyaki method with a sweet glazed finish. Dried berries are decorate the top of the dish. Hope this helps!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Grilled eel rice bowl

  • White rice with grilled eel

When explaining traditional Japanese food you can use the name and explain the main ingredients. Names do not change between languages however its translation is white rice and grilled eel or you can also simply say its a bowl of rice with eel on top.
伝統的な日本の食べ物を紹介する時は、その名前を使って、主な材料を説明できます。言語が変わっても、名前は変わりません。ただ、訳としては: White rice and grilled eel(白米とうなぎのがば焼き) またはシンプルに、 A bowl of rice with eel on top(うなぎが載った丼) と言うこともできます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • eel

  • grilled eel

  • typical Japanese dish of eel and rice

The eel or the sea serpent is a very common and delicious Japanese dish. In Japanese cuisine, eel can either be grilled or fried and is usually served with rice, white or brown rice and usually placed on top of the rice. The eel is technically a fish but looks like a snake, long and usually a dark color. The meat is tasty and a delicacy in Japanese cuisine.
「eel」または「sea serpent」は、すごく一般的で、美味しい日本の料理です。日本料理では普通「eel」は、網焼きか油で揚げて、白米または玄米の上に載せられます。 「eel」は技術的には「魚」ですが、外見はヘビに似ていて、長く、普通黒ずんだ色をしています。肉は美味しくて、日本料理の珍味です。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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