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映画、ドラマ、ミュージカル、舞台などに出てくる「脇役」のことです。 主役や重要な役ではない役のことをさします。
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2018/02/22 13:47
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  • Supporting role

  • Side character

  • Extras

Supporting role' - Lead roles are played by actors that have the most lines, and the plot is mostly based around their characters. The supporting roles are the parts that are played by actors that do no have as many lines or appearances in the production as the lead actors do. 'Side characters' - Side characters are the parts played in a production that are below those of the lead and supporting roles. Side characters don't usually influence the outcome or plot lines of the story. 'Extras' - The extras are the people employed to fill the background of scenes with people, to make it look more natural, and are especially common in filmed productions made for cinema and television. Extras do not have lines, and are not usually professional actors. The same extras may often appear in many scenes, in the background, and most viewers will not notice their repeated presence in different circumstances throughout the movie or programme.
Supporting role'(脇役/助演) - 'Lead roles'(主演/主役)とはほとんどのセリフをしゃべる俳優さんの事で話はこのキャラクターを中心にしています。 この'supporting roles'とはあまりセリフがなく登場もメインのキャラクターに比べると少ないです。 'Side characters'(脇役) - 'Side characters'(脇役)とは'lead や supporting roles'(主役や助演)より登場の少ない役の事です。 'Side characters'は普通、話や筋に何の影響も与えません。 'Extras'(エキストラ) - この'extras'とは拝見のバックグラウンドの人々や場面をもっと自然に見せるために特に映画やテレビなどではよく使われます。 'Extras'にはセリフはありません。 彼らは通常プロの俳優ではありません。 同じエキストラが多くのシーンのバックグランドに登場したりしますが、視聴者は違う状況の映画やテレビ番組に彼らの存在にほとんど気が付きません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • supporting role

  • co star

  • minor character

People who appear in very minor non speaking parts and are not professionals are also known as "extras"
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • Supporting actor

  • Supporting character

▪ Supporting actor This is an actor who is not the leading actor in the movie. He/she is the actor below the leading actor. ▪ Supporting character The supporting character is different than the supporting actor. This character is not really part of the movie but is mentioned in the movie to be recognized.
▪ Supporting actor (脇役/助演俳優) これは映画などので主演ではない俳優さんの事を言います。 彼/彼女は主演俳優以外と言う事になります。 ▪ Supporting character  (脇役/助演キャラクター) この"supporting character"は"supporting actor"(助演俳優)とは少し違います。 このキャラクターは映画の内容自体にはそんなに関係ありませんが、映画にちょっぴり出てきたりします。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Supporting Role

  • Cameo

  • Extra

A movie, TV Drama, Musical etc can be described as a "piece". For the descriptions below I will refer to these as a "piece" throughout. Supporting Role - This is used to describe an actor or actress who is not the main character but has a significant role in the piece. Cameo - This is used when describing a famous, well-known actor or actress that has a small part in the piece. Extra - This is used to describe someone who has a very small part in the piece.
映画、テレビドラマ、ミュージカルなどは「piece」と表されます。以下の説明文でも、これらについては「piece」と表します。 Supporting Role(脇役) - 主役ではないけども、作品(piece)の中で重要な役割を持つ役者を表します。 Cameo(特別ゲスト) - 有名な役者が作品(piece)の中で小さな役を演じる場合に使われます。 Extra(エキストラ) - 作品(piece)の中でほんの一場面に登場する人のことを言います。
Nikita S DMM英会話講師
  • Supporting actor/ actress

  • Minor role

The 'lead actor/actress' is the person who is playing the main character in a story in a performance. Anyone who is not a lead, and there can be more than one lead, is called a 'supporting' role. or 'supporting actor' (male) 'supporting actress' (female). EX: In the story Romeo and Juliet; the lead parts are those of 'Romeo' and 'Juliet' - the other roles would be 'supporting'. A 'minor role' in a performance is a character that is either supporting or smaller.
「lead actor/actress」は、公演の物語の中で主役を演じる人です。 主役が2人以上いる場合、主役以外の人は「supporting' role」または「supporting actor(男性)」「supporting actress(女性)」と呼ばれます。 例: In the story Romeo and Juliet; the lead parts are those of 'Romeo' and 'Juliet' - the other roles would be 'supporting'. (ロミオとジュリエットの物語では、ロミオとジュリエットが主役で、他の役は脇役です。) 公演内の「minor role」は、脇役か小さめの役のことを指します。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Supporting actor/actress

An actor or actress that acts in a role that supports the lead actor/actress is called a supporting actor/actress. This actor/actress may play alongside the lead actor/actress or act as a villain. The role of the Joker in the Batman movies is a supporting role. The actor who acts as the Joker is called a supporting actor. At the Oscars, villains usually excel in the 'best supporting actor/actress awards. You may say: I think Heath Ledger, who acted as The Joker in The Dark Night, was the best supporting actor that year.
主人公(主演俳優)をサポートする役を演じる俳優は「supporting actor/actress(助演男優/女優)」と呼ばれます。主人公と協力することもありますし、「villain(敵役)」になることもあります。 バットマン(映画)のジョーカーは「supporting role(脇役)」です。ジョーカーを演じる役者は「supporting actor(助演男優)」です。 アカデミー賞の「best supporting actor/actress awards(助演男優[女優]賞)」では、大抵「villain(敵役)」が勝ります。 以下のように言えます: I think Heath Ledger, who acted as The Joker in The Dark Night, was the best supporting actor that year. (ダークナイトでジョーカーを演じたヒース・レジャーはあの年の最高の助演俳優だったと思う)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • They have a small part in a film/play

  • A minor member of the cast

  • A non-starring role

At award ceremonies, actors may receive praise for part as supporting actors, which are performances in 'non-starring' roles. "John is a minor cast member in the new stage production."
授賞式で、俳優が「主演ではない」役を演じるsupporting actor(助演俳優)として賞を受けることがあります。  "John is a minor cast member in the new stage production." ジョンは、新しい映画でマイナーキャストだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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