割り当てる は assign または delegate です。
When you have people working under you, you are responsible for assigning work to them.
The higher you go up the working ladder, the more work you need to delegate to your workers.
But at the same time, you are reponsible for all they do.
When you become manager, you need to delegate work to your employees.
仕事を配分することは「Assign jobs」と言います。
- As you rise up the company ranks, you have to start assigning jobs to people(会社の上部に上がると、人に仕事を配分し始めなければならない)
Assign よりもっとフォーマルな単語ですが、使い方は非常に似ています:
- I've delegated my SNS management tasks to him(SNS管理の作業は彼に委任した)