「風車」は英語で windmill と言います。
wind は「風」を表し、mill は穀物をひくときの臼を想像してもらえればと思います。回転している様子をこの言葉で表しています。
なお、似た単語に「水車」があり、これは英語で watermill と言います。
Buddy's English College
「When I watch a windmill turning, I feel like time moves a little slower.」
この分の「like」は「that」でも大丈夫です。「Watch」の代わりに「look at」でも大丈夫ですが、「watch」の方が「look at」より長く見つめているという意味です。
「When I look at a windmill, it feels like time slows down.」
wind は「風」という意味です。
「The wind was making the windmill turn.」
「There are so many windmills.」
大きい風車は"windmill"又は"wind turbine"です。
"windmill"の方は古い風車って感じで、"wind turbine"の方はその新しい鉄の風車ですね。
When I see a place where windmills are turning, I'm at peace with nature and it feels like time moves slowly.
例:オランダは風車で有名です。Holland is famous for windmills.
When I look at a spinning windmill, I feel like time moves slower.
時間が流れる:time moves, time flows
Look, there's a windmill.
There are lots of windmills in Holland.
A windmill is a building that is used to generate power from the wind. Today wind turbines are more common, they are a great way to create power and they are very friendly for the environment. When there are a lot of wind turbines in one place it is called a wind farm.
A "windmill" creates energy to power some kind of machinery or location like a city. They have been in use for hundreds of years or longer. Today modern "windmills" provide clean power for large areas or cities instead of fossil fuel.
The building that you see here is a windmill. It is used to provide power to a local area using the wind as energy.
In more modern days instead of a brick house, you have a metal pole with a rotating rotor. Those are known as wind TURBINES.
An area where you have a collection of wind turbines, is known as a wind FARM. They are exceptionally useful in areas with a lot of wind, like the Plains States in the central US.
"Windmill" is the correct name for it. Normally used for turning wheat into flour. The picturesque view of them is with sails spinning from the gust of the wind. "If you go to the Netherlands, you must go see the Windmills!"
"Mill" is just a diminutive of the word windmill. However, it can also be used to describe a different factory or plant with a different operation i.e. "A cotton mill." "A flour mill."
"Turbine" is usually used for structures that generate electricity such as a "wind turbine" or a "water turbine."
DMM英会話講師 Jacques(ジャックイス)
In English this is called a windmill.
A building with sails or vanes that turn in the wind and generate power to grind corn into flour.
A structure using wind to generate electricity or draw water.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
A windmill is a building that converts wind into energy naturally. They are a very sustainable form of creating energy as they don't cause carbon emissions to be released into Earth's atmosphere.