「奇しくも」は英語で「strangely」か「oddly」といいます。「by a strange coincidence」という少し長い言い方もあります。
Strangely, my son's skating competition was on the same day that the Great Hanshin Earthquake struck.
Oddly, my son's skating competition happened to be on the same day that the Great Hanshin Earthquake struck.
By a strange coincidence, my son was taking part in a skating competition on the day of the Great Hanshin Earthquake.
son = 息子
skating competition = スケート大会
same day = 同じ日
Great Hanshin Earthquake = 阪神大震災
struck = 起こった
Strangely enough, my son's skating competition and the anniversary of the Hanshin Earthquake were on the same day.
[strangely enough]:不思議なことで
[by a curious coincidence]:珍しい偶然で
[strangely enough] と [by a curious coincidence] を入れ違いをしても大丈夫です。