世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/22 15:30
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  • long phone call

  • marathon phone call

  • long phone conversation

一般的にはlong phone call。でも1時間も話されたのならmarathon phone callも実感がありますね。callはconversationやchatもいいでしょう。 - I had a long phone call with my friend yesterday. (昨日、友人と長電話をしました) - We had a marathon phone call about the project last night. (昨夜、プロジェクトについてマラソンのような長電話をしました) - She was engaged in a long phone conversation with her boss. (彼女は上司と長期にわたる電話会話に夢中でした)
  • Can't believe I talked for an hour on the phone.

「長電話」という風にまとめるよりも 「1時間話した」と言う方が簡単ですよ。 例えばこんな言い方はいかがでしょうか。 Can't believe I talked for an hour on the phone. 電話で1時間も話しちゃったなんて信じられない!
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • 1. A long call

  • A long conversation by phone

  • I used up all my minutes!

1. If you make a long call, you speak on the phone to someone a long time. 2. This explains this situation. 3. Here you are upset because making a long phone call on your mobile will use up a lot of your allocated contract minutes.
1. make a long call, = 長時間電話をかける。 2. これはその状況を説明するものです。 3.ここでは、あなたの携帯電話で長時間の電話をかけると、割り当てられた契約分を使い切るので、あわてている様子がうかがえます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Very long phone call

  • Long phone call

  • Lengthy discussion on the phone

Very long phone call = an extended amount of time spent speaking on the phone. Long phone call = The conversation you just had on the phone was very long. Lengthy discussion on the phone = You talked for a very long time on the phone. "The conversation I just had on the phone was very lengthy." "I just had a very long phone call." "I was just on the phone for a very long time."
Very long phone call = ものすごく長時間の電話 Long phone call = 長電話 Lengthy discussion on the phone = 電話で長く話していること "The conversation I just had on the phone was very lengthy." たった今電話で話した会話はすごく長かった。 "I just had a very long phone call." ちょうど長電話をした。 "I was just on the phone for a very long time." 長電話をした。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • I like to chat on the phone for ages

  • I was on the phone for over an hour

  • longest phone call in history

examples "I called the office, and ended up having the longest phone call in history with one of my clients." or "I get free minutes so I end up chatting on my phone for ages." or "I was chatting on my phone for over an hour today."
"I called the office, and ended up having the longest phone call in history with one of my clients." オフィスに電話して、結局、クライアントと今までにない長電話をすることになった。   "I get free minutes so I end up chatting on my phone for ages."  無料通話があるので、何時間も電話で話してしまう。 "I was chatting on my phone for over an hour today." 今日、一時間以上電話でしゃべっていた。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A long conversation by phone

  • A long phone call

If someone calls you to have a chat with you by phone and takes a long time jumping from one topic to the other, I would call that a 'long conversation by phone' or just 'a long phone call'. Some people will talk to you over the phone as if they were sitting on a chair opposite you. In fact, it's doubtful if they would talk to you for that long if you were physically together. So, if someone heard you talk over the phone for that long, he/she might say: Gee whiz, that was a long conversation by phone! or Oh my gosh, that was 'a long phone call!
電話で話が弾み、次から次へと違う話題について話すという状況を “a long conversation by phone” (電話での長話)もしくは、a long phone call (長電話)という事ができます。 あたかもすぐ側で話しているかのように電話での会話が続く時がありますね。 そのような時に使えるのが回答例の2つです。 Gee whiz, that was a long conversation by phone!(ワオ、ずいぶん長電話だったね!) or Oh my gosh, that was 'a long phone call!( 信じられないよ、かなり長電話だったね。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A long phone call

  • A long conversation over the phone

A: This was a long phone call. B: I enjoyed it though A: What do you like? B: I like long conversations over the phone
A: This was a long phone call.(これは長電話でしたね) B: I enjoyed it though(でも楽しかったです) A: What do you like?(何が好きですか?) B: I like long conversations over the phone(電話で長く会話するのが好きです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A long phone call

  • A long phone conversation

We can use the words phone call and phone conversation interchangeably and still mean the same thing. Example I always have long phone calls with my best friend. I love having hour long phone conversations.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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