Everything relating to China, its language and culture are called Chinese in the English language.
We have many items all over the world that are made in China.
Chinese people speak many different dialects of Chinese, Mandarin is one of them.
We can call items Chinese, for example, we can purchase a Chinese style dress or buy Chinese food or even watch a Chinese movie.
"I love buying beautiful china cups to use for my tea dates."
中国のアイテムのことをChineseと言います。例えば、Chinese style dress(中国スタイルのドレス)や Chinese food(中華料理)、 Chinese movie(中国の映画)のように言います。
"I love buying beautiful china cups to use for my tea dates."
China is the third largest country in the world, but has the largest population. The people of China are called Chinese. The ethic foods from China are also called Chinese food.
Mainland China also called Chinese mainland is the geographical area under the direct control of the People's Republic of China. The people who live in this region are called Mainland Chinese or Mainlanders.
If you wanted to explain something that relates to China (i.e language, culture, people), you could simply state "Chinese".
Example: "People from China are referred to as Chinese across the globe"
中国に関係すること(言語・文化・人など)を説明したいなら、"Chinese" が使えます。
"People from China are referred to as Chinese across the globe"
(中国出身の人は英語圏では "Chinese" と呼ばれています)
You would like to know the word that is used to relate to China - its language, culture and people. Usually, we would say 'Chinese' in that event.
"Chinese people are very good cooks, in general."
この場合は普通 'Chinese' が使われます。
"Chinese people are very good cooks, in general."
1. Oriental
The noun "Oriental" is used to refer to anyone from East Asia,
i.e. Chinese and Japanese people.
Anyone born in China or who is from Chinese descent is called
Chinese.All goods, foodstuffs, the language and the culture
too is called Chinese.Some people refer to a single male as
a Chinaman.
3. Asian
"Asian" is another term used for someone who is Chinese
or from Asian descent.
1. Oriental
"Oriental" は東アジア出身の人(中国人や日本人)を指す名詞です。
2. Chinese
中国出身の人や中国国籍の人は "Chinese" と呼ばれます。中国で作られた製品、食べ物、言葉、文化にも "Chinese" は使われます。中国人男性は "Chinaman" と呼ばれることもあります。
3. Asian
"Asian" はアジア出身の人やアジア国籍の人を指します。
Chinese ( chai knee z ) refers to the language, culture and/or people that come from the country of China.
Below you'll find some example sentences :
- I am Chinese.
- I can speak Chinese ( or mandarin ).
- I love Chinese food.
- This product was made my a Chinese company.
"Chinese"(発音=chai knee z)は、中国の言葉や文化、人を表します。
- I am Chinese.→私は中国人です。
- I can speak Chinese ( or mandarin ).→私は中国語が話せます
- I love Chinese food.→中華料理が大好きです。
- This product was made by a Chinese company.→これは中国の会社の製品です。
If you would like to refer to someone or something as being of Chinese decent, you can simply say it is "Chinese" or "made in China". You can also say it is "asian" however that will broaden in to the whole of Asia and not mean China specifically.
中国出身の人や中国でつくられたものについて言う場合、"Chinese" や "made in China" というフレーズが使えます。
"Asian" と言うこともできますが、これは「アジアの」という意味です、中国だけを指すものではありません。
Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world.
If we want to talk about anything related to China like its culture, language, history, products, food, etc. you use "Chinese" before those things.Things such as "Chinese language", "Chinese cars", and "Chinese food".
This is the only suitable word to use in the situation when you need to describe something like that. For example - I went to China because I wanted to learn Chinese language for my future career
この条件に合う言葉は一つしかありません、"Chinese" です。
I went to China because I wanted to learn Chinese language for my future career(将来のキャリアのために中国語を習いたかったので中国に行きました)