1. Sweet and salty.
2. Salty-sweet
Both these expressions describe food that has a salty and sweet taste.
1. I like the taste of this barbeque sauce, it is both sweet and salty.
2. I like my chicken fried in sweet and sour sauce.
1. Sweet and salty.
2. Salty-sweet
1. I like the taste of this barbeque sauce, it is both sweet and salty.(甘辛いバーベキューソースの味が好きです)
2. I like my chicken fried in sweet and sour sauce.(甘辛いソースのフライドチキンが好きです)
" the sauce was delicious, it was sweet and salty".
"the flavour is sweet and salty".
"the food had a salty and sweet flavour".
" The sauce was delicious, it was sweet and salty".
"The flavour is sweet and salty".
"The food had a salty and sweet flavour".
A: "What was your Chinese takeaway like?"
B: "Well, it comprised rice and a lot of freshly cooked vegetables, along with a red sauce which was both salty and sweet."
A: "Ah, was that sweet and sour sauce?"
B: "Yes, but it wasn't sour - it was just sweet and salty."
A: What was your Chinese takeaway like?
B: Well, it comprised rice and a lot of freshly cooked vegetables, along with a red sauce which was both salty and sweet.
A: Ah, was that sweet and sour sauce?
B: Yes, but it wasn't sour - it was just sweet and salty.
Some foods have contrasting(very different) tastes, where a food is both sweet and salty or sour. You can express it as 'it is sweet and salty' or to stress that there is a contrast in taste, you can say 'it is sweet, but salty'. You use this second description because people do not usually expect sweet food to also be salty, so you add the 'but' so they know there is a contrast(a big difference).
食べ物によっては全く対照的な(異なる)味がして、食べ物が甘かったり、塩辛かったり、酸っぱかったりします。味が対照的だということを強調するために、'it is sweet and salty', 'it is sweet, but salty'.と言うことが出来ます。
2番めの表現を使うと良いです。というのも甘い食べ物が塩辛いと思っている人は通常いませんので、 対比(大きな違い)があることを伝えるためにbutという語を加えます。
The adjective to describe that a food is both, "salty and sweet," would be, "salty-sweet," however we can also describe that something is both of these flavors individually without making it into one whole adjective.