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2019/09/05 18:05
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  • mint

「造幣局」は mint と言います。 「日本造幣局」なら Japan Mint となります。 日本造幣局では硬貨しか製造しておらず、紙幣は「国立印刷局」National Printing Bureau で印刷されています。 The Japan Mint produces the coins of Japan and its head office is in Osaka. 「日本造幣局では日本硬貨を製造しており、その本局は大阪に位置する。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • The Department of Treasury

  • Mint

The branch of a government in charge of national finance is the department of treasury, while the specific bureau or department that directly makes the coins is the Mint. The Department of Treasury is the US term for the place where currency coins are made.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Treasury

  • Mint

A treasury is a department in a government that is in charge of finance in that country. A mint is a place where coins are produced. Example: What do you do for work? I have been working at the mint for over twenty years.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • A mint is a place where coins for money are produced, under the control of the

  • government. "Mint" comes from the Latin word for "money". In the UK "The Mint", where coins

  • are made, used to be situated in London but is now in Wales.

The basic meaning for "mint" is a place where coins for currency are produced, but it also has other meanings which are derived from that. For example, it also means, "a large amount of money". If you say that someone is worth a mint, you mean that they are worth a great deal of money.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • The place that makes coin money is called a mint

A Mint is the name of the place where new coins are made. You can also use the expression if someone is going to make a lot of money that they will make a mint. Which means a large amount of money.
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • Treasury

  • Mint

Are you looking to go and make some money, or already make money but don't know how to call it? Well, it is either called a mint or a treasury. Now, you can go make countless coins and tell everyone. Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that fits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Treasury

  • Mint

A treasury is the department in a government that controls the printing and regulation of money within a country. A mint is a factory within the treasury departments control that actually creates the coins themselves.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • mint

造幣局はmintと言います(^_^) ◆ 街角で見られる施設を列挙します。 発電所 power plant 墓地 cemetery 水族館 aquarium 植物園 botanical garden 灯台 lighthouse 造幣局 mint 神社 shrine 老人ホーム nursing home 保育園 nursing school 駐車場 parking lot 映画館 movie theater ごみ埋め立て地 landfill 電柱 utility pole 自動販売機 vending machine ガソリンスタンド gas station 消防署 fire station 遊園地 amusement park 倉庫 warehouse 足場 scaffolding 教会 church 寺 temple 城 castle ボウリング場 bowling alley ゴルフの打ちっぱなしの練習場 driving range テレビ局 TV station 郵便局 post office 裁判所 court 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
  • The Royal Mint

In the UK, all coins are produced by 'the Royal Mint'. It is illegal for any other organisation to do so. "The latest coin designs have just bee released by The Royal Mint."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Mint

mint -noun /mɪnt/ - A mint is an industrial facility which manufactures coins that can be used as currency. Example of use: I have been working at the Royal Mint 15 years where we oversee the production of new coins.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
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