世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/10/11 18:04
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  • He's a cool guy.

「クールガイ」はそのまま「cool guy」と英訳できます。 「cool」には「素晴らしい/いけている/カッコいい」という意味があります。 「guy」は「男」のカジュアルな言い方です。 「cool guy」で「いいやつ」といった意味になります。 【例】 He's a cool guy. →彼はクールガイです。 He's such a cool guy. →彼はすごくいいやつです。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • He's cool.

The phrase: he's cool, simply describes a male that is cool. He may be cool for a number of reasons, for example: being handsome, popular, fit, sporty, has a good fashion sense, is a successful person, etc.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Cool guy

Do you see that guy? Which guy? You know, that guy? Which guy? The cool guy? Oh yeah, I see him. Nice. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • cool guy

  • He is first-class!

  • He's the cat's pajama's!

These are all phrases you can use when describing someone who is cool/awesome etc. You can simply say that the person is 'cool', but you could substitute it for the other two suggestions. When you say that someone is 'first-class', you could be referring to his manners or that he is excellent in what he does. For example: 'He is first-class in soccer!' If you want to be more silly and more colloquial, you should use "He's the cat's pajamas!" This just adds humor to your statement.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • a chill guy.

  • a cool guy.

If you would like to know what you can call someone you think is cool, you can call them a "cill guy/person" or "a cool guy". To say someone is "chill" is to also say they are very laidback or cool. you can also use it in a sentence by saying "We are planning on having a chill night in.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • That guy is cool

  • He is chilled

  • That guy is hip

There is a variety of vocabulary that means a similar thing to saying somebody is 'cool'. - hip / trendy means they are in line with the latest fashions / expressions / tv shows etc - chilled means they are very calm in response to everything and don't get too excited or loud. The term 'guy' suggests a friendly, informal form of address. You would not refer to a superior or customer as 'guy'.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Cool dude

  • He's a cool guy

Calling someone a cool dude means that you think they are a cool, laid back, nice person. In my opinion you can use this for both a male and a female, even though a dude is a guy and a dudette (slang) is a woman.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • He's chilled!

  • He's cool!

He's chilled! or He's cool! mean the same thing. It basically refers to someone who is friendly, easy-going and relaxed. Someone who is ''chilled'' or ''cool'' does nto really get upset unnecessarily and is very approachable and helpful. Example: My uncle is chilled and will have no problem letting us use his car while he is away.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • That guy is so cool

  • He is trendy

  • That guy is hip

That guy is so cool - "Cool" means someone that is popular and people look up to them. He is trendy - Maybe they are very fashionable, or trendy, which means they wear the latest fashions and have stylish clothes. These are all informal English expressions. That guy is hip - This means he is up-to-date with the latest styles!
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • He's cool.

  • What a cool guy.

Simple phrases such as these are not complicated at all. Both of these phrases can be used when you are telling someone something or making a statement about another person. Usually saying a person is 'cool' means you are saying he is a nice guy/person, he is not a complicated person and he is laid back. He is not stiff and uptight.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Cool

  • Chill

We can also use the word, "cool," in English to describe someone who is really nice or popular, but in some English slang we might also use the word, "chill," as this also refers to being cool.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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