世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/28 13:54
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  • Are you looking for something?

  • Can I help you find something?

①Are you looking for something? 何かお探しですか? Look for 〜 = 〜をさがす Something =なにか ②Can I help you find something? 何か探すのお手伝いしましょうか? Can I help you? だけだと、こちらが何かサービスを提供するようなニュアンスになります。店員さんとお客さんとの会話の様な感じですね。 なので"find something"をつけて、具体性をだして、普通の会話に近づけます。
  • ① Can I help you with anything?

Are you looking for something? と聞くのもいいと思いますが、より丁寧なのは「① Can I help you with anything?」。何かお手伝いできますでしょうか?と尋ねるような表現です。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Do you need a hand?

  • Are you OK?

外で困っている外人さんということですので、道がわからない、店を探している、いろいろなケースがあると思います。どの場合でも対応できそうな表現を選びました。 Do you need a hand?ですが、handはここではhelpと同じ意味です。なので、何か助けがいりますか?という意味になります。 もっと漠然と助ける意思を示したい場合には、Are you OK?でも大丈夫です。
Masaki Suzuki バイリンガルTOEIC、英会話講師
  • Do you need help?

  • Are you looking for something?

一番スタンダードなのがdo you need help?です。 ご質問の英語ですと2番目がストレートな言い方になります。 よく、Can I help you?又はmay I help you?覚えている人がいますがどちらかと言うとこれはお店や受付の人がお客様に声をかける時に使うフレーズです。
  • May I help you in any way?

  • Did you lose something? Shall help you find it?

Yes, sometimes on public transport or indeed, anywhere, another member of the general public my drop something or be looking for something around them and you are not sure if it is important, or if you can assist. In that case you could ask: "May I help you in any way?" "It's Ok thanks, I'm just looking for my glasses."
公共の乗り物において、よく一般の人が物を落として探しているところを見るのはよくありますよね。そんなとき、それが大事なものなのか、もしかすると自分が助けになれるのかがわからないとき、こう尋ねるといいでしょう。 "May I help you in any way?" どうかされました? "It's Ok thanks, I'm just looking for my glasses." ありがとう。眼鏡を探しているんです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • May I help you if you are looking for something?

  • Do you need help to find what you are looking for?

In the first question, I am asking the person if I may help him/her to find what they are looking for. The person may be shy to ask for help. In the second question, I am asking directly if the person needs help to find whatever he/she is looking for. In both cases, the person seems to be shy to ask for help to find whatever he/she is looking for. So, I am offering my assistance.
1つ目の質問では、相手の探しものを探すのを手伝いましょうかと尋ねています。 相手は自分から助けを求めるのは恥ずかしいかもしれません。 2つ目の質問では、直接的に、相手がなにか探しているのを見つけることに助けが必要かどうかを尋ねています。 お手伝いをすることを申し出ています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you need any help?

  • Can I help?

This is a polite way to ask if someone needs help.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Should I give you a hand?

  • Do you need assistance?

  • Do you want me to help you?

Should I give you a hand? -This is to help someone when you can see that they are struggling eg.pushing a car off the road. Do you need assistance? =This is a formal way to offer to help someone.You would typically use this sentence at work and in other formal situations. Do you want me to help you? This is a casual way to offer to help someone with something they may be struggling with.
Should I give you a hand? これは何か困っている手こずっている人を見かけたときに、たすけてあげようとするフレーズです。例えば車を道路わきに押している人などを見た時 Do you need assistance? =これは助けをオファーする丁寧な表現です。職場やその他フォーマルな場で利用できる表現です。 Do you want me to help you? This is a casual way to offer to help someone with something they may be struggling with. カジュアルな表現ですが、何か困っている人に手をかす表現となります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Can I help you?...are you looking for something?

  • You seem to be a little bit lost...Are struggling to find something in particuar?

We may find ourselves in a position to "be helpful" when we see someone who is obviously in need of some assistance... (a tourist or a stranger with a "PUZZLED LOOK" on their face. We can offer our "TEN CENTS WORTH" of advice (idiom) and politely ask if the "are looking for something in particular?"
誰かが困っている時に手助けをしてあげられる状況にいる事があるかもしれません。 旅行客や見知らぬ人が"PUZZLED LOOK" (困惑顔)を浮かべていたり。 そんなに彼らに "are you looking for something in particular?"(何かを探していますか?)と聞いて "TEN CENTS WORTH of advice ” (つまらない意見ですが、あまり役にたたないものですが、という意味の熟語)を提供できます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I help you with something?

  • Would you like me to help you with something?

Sometimes we are in a situation where we don't know where to go, therefore we are lost and we must ask for directions. We know what it is like to be in this situation so at times if we see someone on the street who seems to be lost, we feel obliged to help them These two questions are very natural and informal ways of asking someone if they need help.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but can I help you look for something?

  • Do you need help with finding something?

If you are wondering if someone needs help looking/searching for something, you can say something like "I'm sorry, but can I help you look for something?" or "Do you need help with finding something?". These are both nice and polite ways to ask someone if they need any help finding/looking for something.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Are you looking for something?

  • Can I help you find something?

There are two different ways that we could ask this kind of question to someone who might seem a little lost in a store or place. We can use the phrasal verb, "to look for," to ask the person what they are looking for. The other way is to use the verb, "to find," to ask if you can help them looking for what they need.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like some assistance?

  • Would you like some help?

'Would you like some assistance?' is a polite way of asking someone if they need help with looking for something or doing something. Assistance; is to help someone
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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