cram は「詰め込む、押し込む」という意味で、勉強して知識を頭に詰め込むという意味でよく使われます。
例えば日本の学習塾は欧米ではあまりないのですが、あえて英語で表現するときには詰め込み式教育であることから "cram schools" と表現されることが多いです。
cram the night before a test
cram for a test in one night
I crammed for the exam last night...
The verb 'cramming' means to study intensively over a short period of time, just before an exam.
The act of last minute studying is called cramming.
You can explain this as 'cram revision' or 'last minute revision' which implies you did this cramming right before you took your test.
'Last night I did some cram revision for todays exam as I felt unprepared'
'I find it helpful to do last minute revision as i feel like i remember more'
'I only revised for this exam last night'
Good luck with your studying
テスト前に勉強を詰め込んだことを「cram revision」や「last minute revision」ということができます。
Last night I did some cram revision for todays exam as I felt unprepared'
'I find it helpful to do last minute revision as i feel like i remember more
I only revised for this exam last night
"Oh my god! I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail, I just know it!"
"Please relax Henry! Look, we'll spend the night cramming together OK? You test me and I'll test you and we'll review all our answers. We'll be fine!"
"But whenever I burn the midnight oil, I feel so tired the next day, I can hardly open my eyes!"
"OK, but desperate times call for desperate measures and we need to do some desperate revising if either of us wants any hope of passing this exam!"
To burn the midnight oil = read or work late into the night.
"Oh my god! I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail, I just know it!"
"Please relax Henry! Look, we'll spend the night cramming together OK? You test me and I'll test you and we'll review all our answers. We'll be fine!"
"But whenever I burn the midnight oil, I feel so tired the next day, I can hardly open my eyes!"
"OK, but desperate times call for desperate measures and we need to do some desperate revising if either of us wants any hope of passing this exam!
To burn the midnight oil = 仕事や読み物が深夜まで及ぶこと。
"Cramming" means you are trying to fit all the information in a short period of time.
"Last minute revision"
This explains that you left it to the last minute to try to study everything in a short period of time.
We can typically use the words exam or test interchangeably to mean the same thing although sometimes an exam is used for a test that is harder or has a higher weight on an overall grade.
Examples :
I stayed up until 3am cramming for this test today.