酔っ払うという意味でよく使われるのは "drunk" です。
ただ drunk は少しだけ酔っ払った状態。
でも "wasted" はものすごく酔っ払った状態、泥酔のことを指します。
When you are wasted you are beyond drunk. ということになります。
To be hammered
eg.We went to a wine bar and got totally hammered
To be sloshed
eg.I drank a lot of wine and got sloshed
To be inebriated.
eg.I got completely inebriated
①To be hammered
We went to a wine bar and got totally hammered
②To be sloshed
I drank a lot of wine and got sloshed
③To be inebriated=酔っ払う。
I got completely inebriated
There are many slang terms which are used in some locations, but not others. In my country we use "wasted".
I can also share "His tank is full". A tank container can hold a limited amount of liquid. In this case, people drink a certain amount of alcohol until they become very drunk. At that point, his tank is full.
また、His tank is fullという言葉もお伝えしておきますね。タンクが満タンになったという意味で、この場合泥酔するまで飲みすぎたということを表します。
These are just a few examples of words you can use to express very drunk.
There are countless other words you can use such as sloshed, trollied, intoxicated, plastered and many more.
You can find many many more synonyms for very drunk if you do an online search.
One phrase I use to describe a friend of mine is 'black-out drunk', getting so drunk you can't remember what you have done.
He's very drunk.
He's sozzled, he can't even stand up.
He's completely gone. He's been drinking all night!
Here are some examples. :)
He's very drunk.(彼は泥酔しています。)
He's sozzled, he can't even stand up. (彼は泥酔していて、立つことさえできない。)
He's completely gone. He's been drinking all night!(彼は完璧に酔っ払っているね。一晩中飲んでるよ!)
Wasted (noun)
under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
Blasted (noun)
means to be drunk
A: We should get him home.
B: I agree. He looks wasted
A. 彼を家に連れて帰った方がいい。
B. そうだね。泥酔してそう。
In the first phrase, you are saying that the person was drunk beyond imagination.
Being blind drunk is the same as being completely or extremely drunk.
They are interchangeable.
However the adjective 'blind drunk' is the most appropriate to use if someone has been drinking so much alcohol that he/she has been incapacitated by it.
You may say: He kept on drinking until he was blind drunk.
It is not good to drink so much alcohol until you are blind drunk.
Being blind drunk は、completelyまたはextremely drunk と同じします。どれでも言い換え可能です。しかしblind drunk という形容詞は、その人がアルコールを飲みすぎて全く機能しなくなってしまったことを意味するのに最適な言葉です。
He kept on drinking until he was blind drunk. (泥酔するまで飲み続けた)と言うこともできます。泥酔するまで飲んではいけませんね。
There is no special expression to say 'very drunk'. The second one is better to suit for your request but the first one is considered as a good explanation too.
Wasted, trashed, and hammered. are slang terms for getting very drunk. For example you could say, "I'm going to get trashed tonight." or " Me and my friends plan to get wasted during our trip to Las Vegas." or " That girl in the bar looked very hammered."
The polite way to say very drunk would be " I got very drunk while at the bar last night."
wasted' 'trashed' 'hammered' は「泥酔」を表すスラングです。
"I'm going to get trashed tonight."(今夜はベロベロになるまで飲みます)
"Me and my friends plan to get wasted during our trip to Las Vegas."(ラスベガス旅行では友達と飲み明かすことにしています)
"That girl in the bar looked very hammered."(バーにいたあの女の子はひどく酔っ払っているように見えた)
smashed / wasted / very drunk
smashed や wasted は比較的カジュアルな英語表現です。
very drunk は直訳で「とても酔っている」になります。
Did you see that guy? He was completely wasted!