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2016/08/24 23:45
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  • clean up the mess

  • put away~

clean up the mess clean upはそのまま「後片付けをする」意味で、messには、汚いもの(ごちゃごちゃしたもの)という意味があります。これは決まり文句的に使えます。 put away~ 文脈によりますが、これは何かを「もとにあった場所にもどす」の意味です。例えば、put away a dish といえば「皿を片付ける(元の場所にもどす)」です。こういった意味でいうなら是非使ってみてください。 では!
  • cleaning up/clean up

  • cleanup

Cleanup - (noun) an instance of cleaning clean up - (verb) to clean something "Everyone needs to help out with the after BBQ cleanup." "After the BBQ we had to clean up for almost an hour." "I can't leave until we finish cleaning up this mess."
Cleanup=後片付け(名詞) Clean up=後片付けする(動詞) Everyone needs to help out with the after BBQ cleanup." BBQ後の後片付けはみんな手伝う必要がある。 "After the BBQ we had to clean up for almost an hour."BBQの後、私たちは後片付けをほぼ1時間する必要があった。 "I can't leave until we finish cleaning up this mess.""私は後片付けを終えるまで立ち去ることができない。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Clearing up after the BBQ.

  • Tidying up after the party

  • Sort out the mess after a great party.

To clear up = to put everything in its correct place and clean things as necessary to tidy up = to put things away in their correct places (and clean if necessary) To sort out = To put things in their correct order or position and 'fix' the situation. "The house needs sorting out after the party! You tidy up and I will do the dishes."
To clear up =すべてを正しい場所に置いて、必要に応じて物をきれいにする to tidy up = 正しい場所に物を置く(必要ならば清掃する) To sort out = 物事を正しい順序や位置に入れ、状況を 'fix'する。 "パーティの後で、家を整頓する必要があります!あなたは掃除して、私はお皿をやるから!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Tidy up

  • B) Clearing up

A) Tidy up -an act or spell of tidying something. "she's coming to give his house its Saturday morning tidy" A- Would you like to join me for a movie ? B- OK , but i first need to tidy up my room B) Clearing up -.tidy something up by removing rubbish or other unwanted items. Example-"Thomas decided to clear up his cottage" A- Can you please help me clear up the table B- Sure! I hope this helps :-)
A) Tidy up -片づける行為 "she's coming to give his house its Saturday morning tidy" 例 A- Would you like to join me for a movie ? 一緒に映画を見に行きませんか? B- OK , but i first need to tidy up my room いいですけど、まずはお部屋の掃除をしなくちゃいけません。 B) Clearing up -.ゴミや不必要なものを捨てて、片づけること。 例-"Thomas decided to clear up his cottage" トーマスは彼のコテージを片づけると決めた。 A- Can you please help me clear up the table テーブル片づけるの手伝ってもらえる? B- Sure! もちろん。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Tidy up

  • Tidying up

To 'tidy up' is the same as 'clean up', just a different term. You can use both in a sentence in the same way. Eg: "The BBQ is over. It's time to tidy up." Eg: "I'm tidying up after the event."
tidy upはclean upと同義です。同じように文章で使うことができます。 Eg: "The BBQ is over. It's time to tidy up." 例:BBQはおしまい!片づけの時間だよ。 Eg: "I'm tidying up after the event." 例:イベントの後の片づけをしてるんだ。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I've got to clear up all the BBQ stuff.

  • I'll start the clean up in the morning.

  • I've got to tidy up the house after the BBQ

*I've got to clear up all the BBQ stuff.* MEANING= another way of saying 'I need to clear up'. Clear up= to clean up *I'll start the clean up in the morning.* MEANING= I will do the cleaning in the morning. This suggests that you are saying this at the end of the BBQ or night and can't be bothered to clear up now- you'll do it the next day. *I've got to tidy up the house after the BBQ* MEANING=I need to tidy up after that BBQ. Tidy up= same as clean/clear up. YOU CAN ALSO SAY: *I need to clear up after the party. *There's a lot of clearing up to do *I'll clear up the garden if you clean the kitchen *I need to clean the BBQ up and wash all the dishes. Hope this helps! ^^
*I've got to clear up all the BBQ stuff.* 意味= 'I need to clear up'.の代用表現です。 Clear up= to clean up *I'll start the clean up in the morning.* 意味= 朝に片づけをしよう。これは、BBQの最後に今は時間がないので、次の日やろうという提案です。 *I've got to tidy up the house after the BBQ* 意味=BBQの後はちゃんと掃除しなくちゃ。Tidy up=clean/clear up.と同義。 その他の表現 *I need to clear up after the party. パーティの後は片づけしなくちゃいけない。 *There's a lot of clearing up to do 片づけがたくさんある。 *I'll clear up the garden if you clean the kitchen キッチンを掃除してくれたら、庭を掃除するよ。 *I need to clean the BBQ up and wash all the dishes. BBQを片づけたらお皿を全部洗うよ。 お役に立てば幸いです! ^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • cleaning up

  • tidy up

This means that you clean and tidy up the place.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Clean up the mess

  • Tidy up

Clean up the mess - to clean something (dirt.mess, etc.). Tidy up - to make something or some place cleaner, neater, or more organized in appearance.
Clean up the mess - きれいにする、片付ける Tidy up -〔もの・場所を〕きれいにする、片付ける、整頓する
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Cleaning up

  • Tidying up

  • Putting things away

"Cleaning up," and "Tidying up," can have the same meaning when talking about removing and/or fixing a mess. "To put things away," can refer to the idea of moving certain items back to their original resting place. For example, when having a BBQ you have things like tables, chairs, the grill, could put these items back into their garage or where they were previously before the BBQ happened.
"Cleaning up" と "Tidying up" は、「掃除/片付け」について言う場合、同じ意味を表します。 "To put things away" はものを元あった場所に戻すことをいいます。例えば、バーベキューではテーブルや椅子、グリルなどを使いますね。これらはバーベキューが終わればガレージなど元あった場所に戻します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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