associate 動詞「関係づける」 名詞「仲間・同僚・共同で何かやっている人」
お互いに知っていると言いたいときは We are associated. ですね。
Can't place the name to the face.
I could not place her. だと「彼女を思い出せなかった」と言う意味となります。
ここでの'can not place'は「(以前あったことがある人だけど)思い出せない」と言う意味で
He’s just a nodding acquaintance. は「彼とは会釈し会う程度の知り合いです。」よって、「顔見知り程度の知り合い」ということになります。
Someone I recognize は「顔を覚えている人」で、名前までは分からないレベルです。
”Yeah, I recognize his face but I don’t remember his name.”
I know about him. 「彼のことは知ってるよ(情報として)」
I know him.「彼とは知り合いです(面識がある)」
I hardly (barely) know him. 「彼については殆ど知らない」
I know her. でOKです。
I know her but not well.
I know her, but don't remember her name.
Don't I know you?
日本語で「顔見知り=知っている人」なので、「A person I know/Somebody I know 」になります。
He is a person/ somebody I know.
An acquaintance is a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
example : John was no more than a business acquaintance.
no more - nothing further
business acquaintance - someone that you worked with
An acquaintanceは少し知っている人ですが、親しい友人ではありません。
Example: John was no more than a business acquaintance.
no more-それ以上何もないこと
business acquaintance- 一緒に仕事をしていた人
:a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
Example-"a wide circle of friends and acquaintances"
B) I know him/her but not that well.
*Know-have knowledge or information concerning.
Example-"I would write to him if I knew his address"
*well-in a good or satisfactory way.
Example-"the whole team played well"
I hope this helps :-)
例-"a wide circle of friends and acquaintances"
B) I know him/her but not that well.
例-"I would write to him if I knew his address"
例-"the whole team played well"
An acquaintance is someone that you know, but you are not necessarily friends with them.
You can also say:
"I recognize his face but can't remember his name."
"acquaintance" は、知っているけど親しくはない人をいいます。
"I recognize his face but can't remember his name."
In England someone that you are aware of and know even if it is not on a personal basis is sometimes referred to as a friend, this is an informal way of using the word and is usually used in this format by young people. If this person is known from a place of work the person is referred to mainly as a colleague. This term is used on a professional basis.
in both instances you do not need to know the person intimately.
Other words that can be used are:
An "acquaintance" is someone you know, but not well.
You can also describe your relationship by saying it is someone you have met before (if you were introduced), someone you know (if you talked on couple of occassions) or "someone you see around" (if you don't really know each other but you run in the same social circles and therefore recognize each other).
"acquaintance" は「よく知らない知人」を指します。
(紹介されたことがあるなら)Someone you've met before = 会ったことがある人
(何度か話したことがあるなら)Someone you know = 知り合い
(同じ同好会に入っている顔見知りなら)"Someone you see around" = 顔見知り
The words above can be used if you are describing someone you know by face but have no real relationship with.
This person could be someone you attended school with, maybe you shared a class and you know their name only through other people saying it in class.
"I don't really know her, we went to school together, that's all."
"I don't really know her, we went to school together, that's all."