He gave me the nickname.
give someone a nickname で「だれだれ(someone)にあだ名を付ける」という意味なります。
My dad gave me the nickname.
My uncle gave me the nickname when I was 14.
He gave me the nickname 'Cool Dude'.
彼が私に「Cool Dude」というニックネームを付けてくれました。
※ the nickname 'Cool Dude'=「Cool Dude」というあだ名
[Swindon Advertiser-Jun 2, 2015 より]
Morris: He gave me a nickname. (laughing)
Q: What was the nickname?
Morris: Big Mo. (laughing)
※ 相手がそのニックネームを知らないときには a nickname。
[Raiders.com-May 2, 2015 より]
A godfather, godmother or godparent is someone, chosen by a friend or relative, to look after the spiritual guidance of their child and to take care of them if it is needed. The godparent makes this promise at the child's baptism in the christian faith.
This is a christian tradition that goes back to the middle ages.
"discoverer or explorer" are used to describe a person who was the first to find something or possibly rediscover something that was previously unknown like: a country, a scientific discovery, or a location.
"inventor/creator" describes someone who made something original and so they are allowed to name it such as: artwork or new technology.
S name A Bで、「S がAをBと名付ける」という第5文型をとります。
I named him Taro.
I named him.
He named me.
★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
Someone who is referred to with the adjective eponymous is the epony of something. For example, an inventor may name his discovery after himself: for example, 'Stephenson's Rocket' was an early locomotive designed by the inventor Stephenson.The name of a real or fictitious person whose name has, or is thought to have, given rise to the name of a particular item. A word formed from a real or fictional person's name. Alzheimer's disease, boycott, Columbia, stentorian, sandwich and Victorian are examples of eponyms.
Or you could say someone has given something a name:
"My father has given his boat the name, 'Rosalind' which was also his mother's name"
eponymous と表現される人は、何かの祖という意味です。例えば、開発者は自分の発明に自分の名前をつけることがありますよね。 'Stephenson's Rocket' は、スティーブンソンさんがデザインした初期の蒸気機関車のことを指します。例えば、実名でもフィクションの名前でも、あるアイテムの名前がそれに由来することを言います。アルツハイマー認知症、ボイコット、コロンビア、ステントリアン、サンドウィッチ、そしてヴィクトリアンなど、人の名前からきた言葉というのはたくさんあります。
"My father has given his boat the name, 'Rosalind' which was also his mother's name"