世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


日本語だと電話で相手が聞こえてるかわかんない時、 もしもーし?って言いますが英語でもなにかこう言うみたいなのありますか?
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2015/12/18 14:57
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  • Hello?

英語だと、電話に出る時に必ずHello?と言います。 A: Hello? B: Hi, this is Jon, can I speak to Emily? A: This is she?
  • Hello?

  • Are you there?

  • Can you hear me?

こんにちは。 「もしもし」は基本的には hello です。電話に出るときは「もしもし」と同じように hello と言います。 加えて「相手が聞こえてるかわからない時」に使える表現としては、Are you there? や Can you hear me? も使えます。ニュアンスとしては「もしもし〜?聞こえてる〜?」になります。 例: A: Hello? もしもし? B: ...... …… A: Um... Hello? Are you there? えーと…もしもし〜?聞こえてますか〜? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Hello? Can you hear me?

Hello? のように、語尾を上げて言えばOKです。 Can you hear me? 聞こえていますか? 他にも Are you there? という言い方もありますね。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Hello?

Hello? 一番はやっぱりhelloですが、以下のような表現もよく使います。 Can you hear me well? よく聞こえますかー? I cannot hear you! 聞こえませんよ! Is it okay now?/Can you hear me now? 今は大丈夫そうですか?今は聞こえていますか?
  • Are you hearing me OK?

  • Is it a good line?

  • Can you hear me OK?

Any of these phrases is appropriate for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hello?

  • Can you hear me?

  • Are you there?

Hello? used to get someone's attention
Hello?=相手が話を聞いているか確認するときのHello。 ”Can you hear me?"=聞こえる?”Are you there?"=そこにいるの?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Hello...

  • Hello, can you hear me ok?, its a bad line!

In English we simply use the greeting: " hello..."who is this?... when answering the telephone. (if the line was bad) We might say. "hello..!.hello...! I am sorry...I cannot hear you very well."
英語で電話に応答するときは簡潔に次のように話します。 " hello..."who is this? (こんにちは。どなたですか?) もしも回線状態が悪くて聞き取れないなら次のように言えます。 "hello..!.hello...! I am sorry...I cannot hear you very well." (こんにちは、すみませんが、あまり良く聞こえません。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Can you hear me?"

  • "Hello?!

In English, if you wanted to make sure someone can hear you when you are talking to them on the phone, it would be best to say either of these two things: "Can you hear me?" or "Hello?!. Both of these questions will get a direct response.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you hear me?

  • Are you able to hear me?

These two phrases can be used to ask if someone can hear you on the phone. Examples; - Hi, you're breaking up, can you hear me? - I cannot hear you, are you able to hear me?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Can you hear me?

  • Are you there?

  • Can you hear me clearly?

All of the above phrases are fine to use. Personally, I would say 'Can you hear me?', when chatting to my friends or family and I would say 'Can you hear me clearly' if I was making a formal phone call however they can both be used in both situations.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Can you hear me?

  • Are you able to hear me?

  • Hello?

In most cases, if you are not sure if someone on the other end of a phone call is able to hear you or not, you can check by asking these questions: "Can you hear me?" or "Are you able to hear me?" Most people just repear "Hello?" several times to make sure the person can hear them ok.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Hello?

  • Can you hear me?

  • Can you hear me okay?

In this situation, the most common word to say is to ask "hello?"Alternatively, you could also ask "Can you hear me?" to be more straightforward and make sure that you are being heard.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you hear me?

  • Do you hear me clearly?

If you would like to ask someone over the phone if they can hear you clearly, you can say something like "Can you hear me?" or "Do you hear me clearly?". Some people just simply repeat the word "hello?" to see if the other person will respond and say they can hear you clearly.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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