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○○は意味がわからなかった英語の単語です。 DMM英会話をしているときにやっぱり単語の意味が分からなくて日本語だとどういう意味になるのか教えてほしいときがあるのでそういうときに使えるフレーズをおねがいします。
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2016/01/09 00:24
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  • What does○○mean in Japanese?

What does○○mean in Japanese? ○○は日本語でどういう意味ですか? what does ... mean で「〜はどういう意味」となります。in Japanese が「日本語で」です。 日本語で説明してくれるDMM英会話の先生がいるんですか?念のため、日本語で「助け舟」をしてくれない先生にはどのように質問したらいいか紹介しますね。 もし分かり易い英語で単語を説明してほしい場合は I didn’t understand the meaning of ○○. Could you explain it in simpler English? 「○○の[意味が分かりませんでした](。[分かりやすい英語で説明してくれますか](。」 もし言われた文章全体が分からない場合は I don’t understand what you just said. Could you explain what you mean by that? 「今言ったことが理解できませんでした。どういう意味か説明してくれますか。」 それでも理解できなかったら、 Just a second, let me look it up in my dictionary. 「ちょっとだけ辞書を引かせてください。」 と会話を中断してもいいかもしれません。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • How do you say ○○ in Japanese?

  • How does ○○ translate into Japanese?

私にとっては、直接「What does ○○ mean in Japanese?」というと、ちょっと変です。どうしてかというと、私の言いたい[返事](は「○○ doesn't mean anything in Japanese! It's English!」(○○とは英語だから、日本語でなんの意味もないでしょう!)です! とにかく、英語のネイティブは「How do you (言語)」の方はよく使います。
Tim Young 主催
  • What does . . . mean in Japanese?

  • What is the Japanese definition of . . .?

If your teacher uses a word or phrase you don't understand, such as phenomenon, you can say, "excuse me, what does phenomenon mean in Japanese?" If you don't know how to pronounce the word, you can simply say, "what does that (word) mean in Japanese?"
先生などが使った、言葉やフレーズでわからなかったら、"excuse me, what does phenomenon mean in Japanese?"このように言います。 また、どのように発音するのかわからないときは、"what does that (word) mean in Japanese?"ということができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • What is Japanese?

  • Can you explain..... I do not understand it.

You can simply ask. "what is......" in Japanese. "can you explain" asks them to explain it to you in an easier way. " I do not understand it" tells them you don't understand the word/phrase.
シンプルに「""what is......"" in Japanese.」と尋ねることができます。 「can you explain」とは説明してもらうことを尋ねる簡単な方法です。 「 I do not understand it」とは言葉やフレーズを理解できない時にいう言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What does ○○ mean in Japanese?

  • What is the meaning of ○○ in Japanese?

  • What is ○○ in Japanese

All of these questions will let your teacher know that you want to know what the English expression they have used is in Japanese. What is 'cerebellum' in Japanese?
先生に英語の表現を日本語でどういうか尋ねる時の表現です。 以下のように表現することができます。 What is 'cerebellum' in Japanese? 「cerebellum」は日本語でなんと言いますか?
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • What's that in Japanese please?

  • How do you say that in Japanese please?

  • Could you translate that into Japanese, please.

Of course, you may just ask the question: "Could you translate, 'hot dog' into Japanese. please?" If the phrase is longer, you could ask: "Could you please translate into Japanese from 'Get' until the end?" so as to identify the section you would like translating.
もちろん、 "Could you translate, '------ " into Japanese. please? ということができます。フレーズが長ければ、"Could you please translate into Japanese from 'Get' until the end?"(getから終わりまでの部分を翻訳してくれますか?)と、翻訳したいセクションを特定することができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do I say it in Japanese?

  • What does it mean in Japanese?

You can use the following to express yourself: 1.How do I say it in Japanese? 2.What does it mean in Japanese?
そういった質問は以下のように尋ねられます。 1.How do I say it in Japanese? 2.What does it mean in Japanese?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) What does ___ mean in Japanese ?

  • B) How do you say ___ in Japanese ?

A) What does ___ mean in Japanese ? Example- What is the meaning of the world process ? , i am still confused could you translate it to Japanese please? B) How do you say ___ in Japanese ? Example- How do you say neighbor in Japanese ? I hope this helps :-)
A) What does ___ mean in Japanese ? 例- What is the meaning of the world process ? ワールドプロセスの意味はなんですか? I am still confused could you translate it to Japanese please? よくわからないので、日本語に翻訳してもらっても良いですか? B) How do you say ___ in Japanese ? 例- How do you say neighbor in Japanese ? ご近所とは日本語でなんといいますか? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What does this word mean in Japanese?

  • Excuse me, could you tell me what this means in Japanese?

  • Could you translate this to Japanese please?

*What does this word mean in Japanese?* MEANING= this is a really simple and direct way of asking this question. *Excuse me, could you tell me what this means in Japanese?* MEANING= excuse me is a really nice & polite way to start asking a question. Similar to first expression but a bit more polite. *Could you translate this to Japanese please?* MEANING= this is another direct expression but made polite using please at the end. You can always ask your teacher to type the word and you can then put the word in Google translate :) Hope this helps!
*What does this word mean in Japanese?* 意味=これはシンプルでストレートな質問です。 this is a really simple and direct way of asking this question. *Excuse me, could you tell me what this means in Japanese?* 意味= excuse meは丁寧に会話をはじめる素晴らしい方法のひとつです。 *Could you translate this to Japanese please?* 意味= pleaseをつけているストレートな言い回しの違う例となります。 先生にタイプしてもらって Google 翻訳に頼むと良いかもしれませんよ:) お役に立てば!
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • What does it mean in Japanese?

  • Sorry but could you translate this to Japanese please?

What does it mean in Japanese? - a direct question for the help in translation or explanation words in another language (Japanese). Sorry but could you translate this to Japanese please? - I would use this version just because it's seems as a more polite way of asking
What does it mean in Japanese?(日本語ではどういう意味ですか) →直接的な質問です。別の言語(日本語)での言い方、訳を尋ねます。 Sorry but could you translate this to Japanese please?(すみません、これを日本語に訳してもらえますか) →こちらの方が丁寧なので私ならこれを使います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • What does ____ mean in Japanese?

  • What is the translation for ______ in Japanese?

Both of these sentences have a very similar meaning. The words, "translation," and, "mean," both refer to the idea of what is a similar word within someone's native language.
この二つの文は意味がよく似ています。 "translation" と "mean" はどちらも「相手の言語で近い言葉」を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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