世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/23 02:04
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  • passing on notes / writing down my thoughts / in writing

  • I can communicate in Chinese by passing on notes.

  • I can communicate Chinese by writing things down.

Sitting next to someone and writing down words is called exchanging notes, hence "I can communicate in Chinese by passing on notes/writing things down." You can also say that you can communicate by writing down your thoughts.
人の隣に座って言葉を書き取ることはexchanging notes(メモの交換)と呼ばれます。ですから「私は中国語で筆談でやりとりができます」と言います。 又「考えていることを書き取ることでコミュニケーションを取ることができます」と言うこともできます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Passing notes in Chinese

  • Can we communicate in writing in Chinese?

  • I can only communicate in Chinese by writing it down

If someone is close by and you write them a note then its caled 'passing notes' so you could say 'Can we pass notes in Chinese' although you could also say ' Can we communicate in writing in Chinese' by saying 'I can only communicate in Chinese by writing' it tells the person thats the best way for you to communicate with them
近くにいる人とメモでやりとりをすることは、'passing notes'と呼ばれます。 ですから、 'Can we pass notes in Chinese?'(中国語のメモでやりとりしてもいいですか) または、 'Can we communicate in writing in Chinese?'(中国語のメモでやりとりしてもいいですか) と言えます。 'I can only communicate in Chinese by writing'(中国語ではメモでしかやりとりできません) これは、相手と一番やりとりしやすいのが筆談であることを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I can communicate in Chinese as long as it is in writing

  • I can only write in Chinese

->*>If you communicate with someone, you share or exchange information with them, for example by speaking, writing, or using equipment. You can also say that two people communicate. They communicated in sign language. I can communicate in Chinese as long as it is in writing. I can only write in Chinese.
->*>communicateとは、誰かと情報を共有することを表します。 例えば、喋ること、書くこと、何か装置を使うことも含まれます。two people communicateといった使い方もできます。 They communicated in sign language. 彼らはサインでコミュニケーションをとった。 I can communicate in Chinese as long as it is in writing. 私は筆談であれば中国語でコミュニケーションが取れる。 I can only write in Chinese. 中国語は書くことしかできない。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I can communicate in Chinese as long as it's in writing.

Native speakers will say like this: “I can communicate in Chinese as long as it's in writing”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Do you want to talk over the phone? B: Sorry, I'm only able to communicate in Chinese in written form.
ネイティブスピーカーなら、このように言うでしょう: “I can communicate in Chinese as long as it's in writing”. (筆談なら中国語でやりとりできます) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話で使うと次のようになります: A: Do you want to talk over the phone? [訳]電話で話しましょうか? B: Sorry, I'm only able to communicate in Chinese in written form. [訳]ごめんなさい、筆談でしか中国語でやりとりできません
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Let's communicate in the written form

  • I am only able to communicate in Chinese in writing

So, you recognise words in Chinese, you understand the grammar and have a good grasp of the usual expressions and phrasal usage - but your speaking is terrible! You have had very little practice in speaking and listening and feel both nervous and inadequate in any potentioal face to face situation! "Please, let's communicate in Chinese in written form.", "Sure, I prefer that too!"
中国語の単語は分かり、文法を理解し、通常の表現や言い回しは分かるけど、話すことが全くできないということですね。 中国語を話したり、聞いたりすることはほとんど練習してなくて、対面でのコミュニケーションだと緊張してやりとりができないのです。 "Please, let's communicate in Chinese in written form.", 書面で中国語のやり取りをしませんか。 "Sure, I prefer that too!" もちろんです。私もその方が良いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am only able to communicate in Chinese by writing.

  • I can write you in Chinese.

"I am only able to communicate in Chinese by writing." The only way you are able to communicate is by writing in Chinese. You are explaining that others may read or speak in Chinese, but you are only able to write. "I can write you in Chinese." You are telling the person that you can, you are able to, write them in Chinese. You are not offeirng the speak in Chinese.
"I am only able to communicate in Chinese by writing." 「中国語は筆談しかできません。」 The only way you are able to communicate is by writing in Chinese. 「筆談は中国語でコミュニケーションをとる唯一の方法です。」 これらは、他の人は中国を読んだり喋れても、自分は中国語を書くことしかできない、という意味です。 "I can write you in Chinese." 「中国語を書いてあげる。」 これで、相手に中国を書くことができるということを伝えることができます。 中国語を喋って欲しいというには申し出ていません。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I can only write Chinese. (I cannot speak it)

  • I can write in Chinese.

When you want to explain that you can communicate by writing in Chinese, then you may express it in the following ways: -I can only write Chinese. (I cannot speak it) -I can write in Chinese.
筆談なら中国語でコミュニュケーションが取れることを説明したいとき、以下の表現が使えます。 -I can only write Chinese. (I cannot speak it) 〈訳〉中国語は書くことしかできません (話すことはできません) -I can write in Chinese. 〈訳〉中国語を書くことはできます
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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