世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/07 13:34
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  • Smacking.

  • Eating with your mouth open.

The sound a person makes when they eat with their mouth open is called "smacking." To use it in a sentence: - Stop smacking, man. - My friend always smacks when she eats, so I don't like to go out to dinner with her. The act of having your mouth open when you chew is simply that: Chewing with one's mouth open. - Don't chew with your mouth open.
人が口を開けて食べたときに出る音のことは "Smacking" といいます。 例文: - Stop smacking, man.(クチャクチャ食べるなよ) - My friend always smacks when she eats, so I don't like to go out to dinner with her.(友達は食べるときいつもクチャクチャやるので、一緒に食事に行きたくない) 口を開けて物を食べることはシンプルに "Chewing with one's mouth open" といいます。 - Don't chew with your mouth open.(口を開けて食べないで)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • noisy eaters

  • chew with your mouth open

noisy eaters =音を立てて食べる人 chew with your mouth open =口を開けて食べる たぶんいろいろな言い方があると思います。 noisy eater は「食べる時に口で不快な音を立てる人」のことです。 chew with your mouth open は「口を開けて食べる」という意味で、「クチャクチャ食べる」といった意味合いで使います。 例) I can't stand noisy eaters. 〔The Volante-Feb 7, 2012〕 →クチャクチャ食べる人が我慢できない。 Chew with your mouth closed. →口を閉じて食べて。 He chews with his mouth open. →彼は口を開けて食べる。 参考にしてください ありがとうございました。
  • Eating with your mouth open

  • Lip smacking

  • Eating like a pig

A common phrase told to children is: Don't eat with you mouth open! Don't chew with your mouth open! This is normally bad manners and young children do it a lot before they learn to close their mouth. When you are eating with you mouth open and you make loud noises it can be called: Lip smacking. When someone eats in a very unpleasant way, it is often said the person is: Eating like a pig. Stop eating like a pig! Unless this is a very close friend or relative, it can be quite rude so be careful who you say it to! I hope that helps!
子供に対してよく使われる表現としては: Don't eat with you mouth open! (口を開けて食べてはいけません。) Don't chew with your mouth open! (口を開けて食べてはいけません。) これは、子供たちがよくやってしまうマナー違反で、口を閉じて食べるようになるまでで何度もやってしまうものです。 口を開けて食べると、うるさい音がでます。これをLip smacking.と言います。 食べ方が不快な人に対して使われる言葉としては、 Eating like a pig. Stop eating like a pig! などがありますが、これは親しい友達や親戚に対して使われ、誰に対して使うかで非常に失礼になります。 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • They were brought up in the gutter

  • They were raised in a barn

  • They are lacking social etiquette

To be brought up in the gutter'' is a derogatory term meaning this person came from a squalid home with very little attention being given to day-to-day social graces. It is a criticism of parenting more than anything. 'Raised in a barn' was overwelmingly the most popular response for a person with bad manners in a survey by an organisation named 'DARE.' however in the UK, this appears to be not a popular response. 'Lacking in social etiquette' is a rather kind way of describing such a person. Etiquette = the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group,protocol, polite behaviour, good manners, manners, acceptable behaviour, accepted behaviour, proper behaviour, code of behaviour, rules of conduct/behaviour, decorum, form, good form. "The rules of etiquette are changing."
be brought up in the gutterは、日々、周りの人との付き合いをあまり気にせずに、汚い家から来た人という軽蔑的な表現です。親の教育に対する批判であること以外の何ものでもありません。 'Raised in a barn'は、'DARE'という名前の組織による悪いマナーの人に対する調査で、圧倒的に一番多かった返答です。しかし、イギリスでは、その返答は多くないようです。 'Lacking in social etiquette'は、そのような人を描写する言い方です。 Etiquette = 社会、特定の職業、グループにおける礼儀正しい態度の慣例、プロトコル、礼儀正しい態度、良いマナー、マナー、容認される態度、容認された態度、まともな態度、行為規則、行動基準、礼儀正しさ、作法、良い作法。 "The rules of etiquette are changing." (エチケットのルールは変化している。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Rude

  • He has no manners.

If someone chews/eats with their mouth open it is considered Rude. So they can be called rude or they can be explained as "He has no manners" because it is not polite to eat with your mouth open.
口を開けたまま何かを食べたりしていればそれは失礼に見なされます。 He has no mannersといわれたり、rudeと形容されたりするでしょう。 なぜなら口を開けたまま食べるのは丁寧とはいえないからです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Unpleasant

  • No table manners

  • No self awareness

Eating next to or opposite somebody who does not close their mouth to chew their food can be very unpleasant and can often ruin your appetite. You could describe said person as having no 'table manners', this is because usually to eat you would sit down at a table and having manners or not having manners is being polite and a good dinner guest. So if someone has no table manners and no self awareness it is not nice to eat near them.
口を開けて食べる人の前や隣で食事をするのはすごく不愉快で食欲がなくなりますね。こういう人のことは'having no table manners'(テーブルマナーがない)と表せます。普通食事をするときには'table'に座りますよね。それから、'manners'は「礼儀」という意味です。 'no self awareness'(自覚がない)で'no table manners'(テーブルマナーがない)な人と食事をするのはしんどいです。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • Eat with your mouth open

  • Bad table manners

  • Noisy eater

If someone eats with their mouth open you can simply say 'Eat with your mouth open' it is also known to be bad table manners when someone eats their food with their mouth open. As well as having their mouth open they can also be called a 'noisy eater' if they are making noises while eating
口を開けて食べることは、'Eat with your mouth open'と言えます。 口を開けて食べることは、行儀が悪いこととされています。 また、音を立てて食べる人のことは、'noisy eater'と呼ばれます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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