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2016/01/20 15:33
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  • multi-task

  • (I'm good at) multi-tasking

  • (I can't) multi-task. (I can only do one thing at a time)

そのまま→multi-task (動詞) 同時にいろいろな仕事をこなせるのが得意なら I'm good at multi-tasking マルチタスクが苦手なら I'm not good at multi-tasking又はI can't multi-task. シングルタスクしかできない→I can only do one thing at a time. ちなみにsingle-taskあまりきかない。 一つ一つをしっかりするなら→do one thing at a timeが自然。
  • I'm juggling

  • I'm plate spinning

  • I'm multitasking

I'm juggling - means you are doing more than one thing at once - you are juggling more than on job or task. I'm plate spinning has the same meaning - you are doing more than one things at once. A plate spinner was a person in the circus who used to spin 8-10 plates at the same time without dropping any - making a mistake. I'm multitasking - also means you are doing more than one task, thing, or job at the same time. Hope this helps jane L)
I'm juggling - これは2つ以上のことを同時にやることです。仕事やタスクを2つ以上します。 I'm plate spinning. も同じ意味です。2つ以上のことを同時にしていることです。 plate spinner はサーカスで8~10枚のお皿を同時に落とさず(間違いなく)に回す人のことです。 I'm multitasking. - これもまたあなたが2つ以上のタスクや仕事を同時にすることです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • multitasking

  • kill two birds with one stone

multitask (verb) - deal with more than one task at the same time Example : Women are often very good at multitasking. kill two birds with one stone (proverb) - achieve two aims at once Example : He went to Germany on a business trip, while there, he killed two birds with one stone and visited his relatives also.
multitask(動詞) - 複数のタスクを同時に処理する Women are often very good at multitasking.  例:女性はとても頻繁にマルチタスキングをよくしています。 kill two birds with one stone(諺) - 一度に2つの目標を達成する(一石二鳥) He went to Germany on a business trip, while there, he killed two birds with one stone and visited his relatives also. 例:彼は出張でドイツに行きましたが、ついでにそこにいる間に彼は親戚のところを訪問しました。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Multi-tasking

  • She seems to be very good at multi-tasking not so much!

It apears that women are far better at "juggling" several tasks at once:D (I know) This is known as "Multi-tasking" to be able to do several things at the same time "She seems to be very good at multi-tasking not so much!"
女性は一度に色々なことをするのに優れています。 "Multi-tasking"とは、同時にいくつかのことをすることができることを言います。  "She seems to be very good at multi-tasking not so much!" 彼女はマルチタスクにとても優れているようだ。私はそうでもないですが。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • multi-tasking

Ones who are good at multi-tasking.
  • I'm multitasking.

  • I'm doing five things at once!

  • I'm balancing a lot of plates in the air.

"I'm balancing a lot of plates in the air." This is an analogy with the stage performers who spin a lot of plates on sticks at the same time. There is a similar analogy with a juggler and balls. These analogies are often used when complaining about doing too much at the same time: "I've got too many balls/plates in the air at the moment!
"I'm balancing a lot of plates in the air." はマルチタスキングを一度にたくさんの皿を回す皿回しに例えた表現です。このほか、a juggler and balls(お手玉)も似たような比喩表現で使われます。尚、こういった比喩表現は忙しすぎて文句を言うときに使ったりします: "I've got too many balls/plates in the air at the moment!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm multitasking.

  • I'm trying to do everything at once.

  • Doing it all in one go.

These are all ways you can say that you are doing more than one thing at a time.
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • multitasking

  • doing everything at once

1. Multitasking means dealing with more than one task at the same time. For example "She is always multitasking. She is eating and talking on the phone at the same time."
1. Multitaskingとは、同時に一つ以上のことに対処することです。 例 "She is always multitasking. She is eating and talking on the phone at the same time." 彼女はいつも同時に色んなことをする。今は食べながら電話で話している。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Multi-tasking.

The main noun or concept for this would be multi-tasking, where you are doing several things at once. Examples I am very good at multi-tasking but I need to stay focused on the specific tasks. It's always hard for me to multi-task, I can only do one thing at a time.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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