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嫌な夢のこと。 たまに悪夢をみて飛び起きてしまうことがあります。
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2018/03/18 09:50
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  • nightmare

こんにちは。 悪夢は「nightmare」と言います。 「nightmare before christmas」 という有名な映画のタイトルにも含まれていますね。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • nightmare

悪夢はズバリ nightmare です。 悪夢を見たと言う場合は、 I had a nightmare. と言います。
  • I had a bad dream last night.

  • I had a nightmare last night and it was hard to go back to sleep.

  • I had a night terror last night that has left me unsettled all day.

A bad dream and a nightmare are basically the same thing and they can be used interchangeably. A night terror is more severe.
bad dream'と'nightmare'は基本的には同じ意味で、置き換えて使うことができます。 'night terror'(夜驚症)は、より深刻なものを指します。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Nightmare

  • A bad dream

If you are wanting to say you had a 'not very nice' or 'unpleasant' dream then it is called a 'nightmare' or a 'bad dream' so you would say 'I had a nightmare/bad dream last night'
悪い夢は'nightmare'や'bad dream'といいます。 例えば: 'I had a nightmare/bad dream last night' (昨日の夜、悪夢/悪い夢を見ました)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A bad dream

  • Nightmare

Nightmare - an unpleasant or frightening dream If you have a bad or scary dream, you can simply say 'I had a bad dream last night'.
Nightmare - 嫌な夢、恐ろしい夢 悪い夢、怖い夢を見たときは、シンプルに、'I had a bad dream last night'(昨日嫌な夢を見ました)と言えます。
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Nightmare

  • Night terror

A bad dream can also be called: A nightmare. A night terror. My daughter suffers from night terrors. My favourite horror movie is A Nightmare On Elm Street.
bad dream'(悪夢)は次のように言うこともできます。 A nightmare = 悪夢 A night terror = 夜驚症 My daughter suffers from night terrors.(娘が夜驚症にかかっています) My favourite horror movie is A Nightmare On Elm Street.(私の好きなホラー映画は「エルム街の悪夢」です)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Last night I had the most awful dream.

  • Last night I had the most awful nightmare.

  • I had an unpleasant dream last night.

Last night I had the most awful dream or Last night I had the most awful nightmare. This is often said to someone if you are relaying a nightmare that left you feeling anxious and afraid. I had an unpleasant dream last night. An unpleasant dream is also one in which you wake up still feeling very tense and unsettled.
Last night I had the most awful dream(昨日の夜、すごく恐ろしい夢を見た) または、 Last night I had the most awful nightmare(昨日の夜、すごく恐ろしい夢を見た) これは、悪夢について話すときによく使われます。 I had an unpleasant dream last night(昨日の夜、嫌な夢を見た) 'unpleasant dream'(嫌な夢)も、目が覚めてもまだ不安を感じるような夢を言います。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • nightmare

  • bad dream

こんにちは。 「悪夢」は英語で nightmare と言えます。 他には「悪い夢」という意味の bad dream もあります。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 I woke up from a bad dream in the middle of the night. 「真夜中に、悪い夢から目覚めた」 I had a nightmare last night. 「昨晩は悪夢をみた」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • bad dream

  • nightmare

「悪夢」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「bad dream」という表現と「nightmare」という言葉を使っても良いです。「Bad」は「悪い」という意味があって、「dream」は「夢」という意味があります。例えば、「I had a bad dream.」と「I had a nightmare.」と言っても良いです。この場合、「had」は「夢を見た」という意味があります。「Dream」という動詞も使っても良いと考えました。
  • I had a very bad dream last night. I'm still scared whenever I think about it.

  • Whenever I watch a horror movie, I have nightmares all night long.

  • I had a nightmare where ghosts were walking around my bed.

悪夢 nightmare, bad dream 昨夜はとても悪い夢を見ました。 それについて考えるときはいつでも私はまだ怖いです。 I had a very bad dream last night. I'm still scared whenever I think about it. 私がホラー映画を見るときはいつでも、一晩中悪夢を見ています。 Whenever I watch a horror movie, I have nightmares all night long. 私は幽霊が私のベッドの周りを歩いている悪夢を見ました。 I had a nightmare where ghosts were walking around my bed.
  • A nightmare ('I had a nightmare')

  • Unpleasant dream ('I had an unpleasant dream')

Well, either of the above expressions are pretty normal. however, quite often. especially in a more formal situation, people do not actually like to describe the details of their sleep - it is quite private information, after all. People would be more likely to say something like: 'I didn't sleep well last night.' or, 'I had trouble sleeping' ..... or possibly, 'I couldn't get to sleep last night.' Another well-known phrase is: 'I hardly slept a wink last night' - meaning, (for some reason) you had hardly any sleep.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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