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2018/04/24 16:09
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  • forgetful

「忘れっぽい」は英語では forgetful と言います。 例えば I am very forgetful. 私はすごく忘れっぽいです。 He/she is forgetful. 彼/彼女は忘れっぽいです。 I forget things easily. 私はよく忘れる。 I'm sorry that I am so forgetful. 私はすごく忘れっぽくて、ごめんなさい。 ご参考までに。
  • Forgetful

  • Absent-minded

A person that forgets things a lot can be called "forgetful"or "absent-minded". But "absent-minded"can be regarded as rude in certain contexts. E.g my mother is very forgetful, she never knows where she puts her keys.
忘れっぽい人の事を "forgetful"や "absent-minded"と呼ぶことが出来ます。 でも "absent-minded"は文脈によっては失礼になります。 【例】 My mother is very forgetful, she never knows where she puts her keys. (私の母は忘れっぽいです、鍵をどこに置いたかいつも忘れてしまいます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Forgetful

  • Absentminded

  • Scatterbrained

There are several ways to say this. Forgetful is the most common. "Forgetful" Likely to not remember things I missed the party because I am so forgetful! William is forgetful when it comes to his keys. "Absentminded" someone who has a habit of forgetting things Mary is absentminded and can never remember where she parks her car. Without coffee to get me started I am both tired and absent-minded at work. "Scatterbrained" This is someone who is always losing things or their train of thought. Jack is a scientist who can be someone scatterbrained. My friends say I am scatterbrained, but they always come to me for information.
これを言う方法はいくつかあります。"Forgetful"が最も一般的です。 "Forgetful"は物事を覚えていない可能性が高いという意味です。 "I missed the party because I am so forgetful!" (私は忘れっぽいためパーティーに行くことができませんでした) "William is forgetful when it comes to his keys." (ウィリアムは鍵のことになと物忘れがひどいです) "Absentminded"はよく物忘れをする人のことです。 "Mary is absentminded and can never remember where she parks her car. " (メアリーはうっかり者で自分の車をどこに停めたかを絶対に覚えることができません) "Without coffee to get me started I am both tired and absent-minded at work." (コーヒーなしでは私は職場で疲れてぼんやりします) "Scatterbrained"はいつも直前まで考えていたことを忘れる人のことです。 "Jack is a scientist who can be someone scatterbrained." (ジャックはすぐに気が散ってしまうことのある科学者です) My friends say I am scatterbrained, but they always come to me for information. (友人達は私はすぐに気が散ると言いますが、それにもかかわらず彼らはいつも私に情報を求めにやってきます)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Forgetful

  • Absent minded

If you are prone to forget things then you can use the term 'forgetful' so you could say 'I'm very forgetful at times' meaning you often forget things You can also use the term 'absent minded' this means that things often go out your head or you don't always remember them
忘れっぽいことは'forgetful'を使って表せます。 例えば: 'I'm very forgetful at times'(忘れっぽいんだよね) などと言えます。 ほかに、'absent minded'も使えます。これは「うっかりしている」「忘れっぽい」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Absent minded

  • To have a bad memory

  • Not good at remembering

When someone forgets things, you can say that they 'have a bad memory'. "James has such a bad memory, he doesn't even know his own phone number."
忘れっぽい人のことは「have a bad memory」と表せます。 James has such a bad memory, he doesn't even know his own phone number. (ジェームスは本当に忘れっぽい。自分の電話番号さえ知らない。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am not good at remembering things.

  • I forget things all the time.

  • I can never recall what happened.

To recall is the same as to remember and to forget means to not be able to remember or recall. I am unaware of other English speaking countries, but in America people use the word 'remember' more casually than the word 'recall'. But what I assume is common amongst all English speaking countries is that those who struggle to remember are deemed forgetful.
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • Forgetful

  • Unable to remember

  • I am a very forgetful person. I can never remember where I put my things.

In English we say, "forgetful" to describe a person who cannot remember things. For example, you may have a friend who always forgets that you have a lunch date. She would be forgetful. Forgetful is an adjective which is used to describe. For example, "Jane is so forgetful. She can never remember to lock the door when she leaves home."
英語では忘れっぽい人のことを"forgetful"と表します。 例えば、ランチデートがあることをすぐに忘れてしまう友達がいるなら、その人は"forgetful"です。 "forgetful"は名詞を説明する「形容詞」です。 例文です: "Jane is so forgetful. She can never remember to lock the door when she leaves home." (Janeは本当に忘れっぽいです。いっつも戸締まりを忘れます)
Emily L DMM英会話講師
  • forgetful

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「forgetful」 (意味) 忘れっぽい <例文> I'm very forgetful sometimes so I've been writing things down on my notebook. <訳> 私は時々忘れっぽいのでノートに書くようにしています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • forgetful

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「forgetful」 =忘れっぽい (例文)I'm so sorry that I'm forgetful. (訳)忘れっぽくてごめんね。 (例文)He is forgetful so I always have to remind him. (訳)彼は忘れっぽいから毎回リマインドしてあげないといけないの。 単語: forgot 忘れた お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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