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2016/03/28 10:15
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  • thunderstorm

例文: We are going to have a thunderstorm this afternoon. 今日の午後は雷雨になるでしょう。 ちなみに、 雷 thunder 稲妻 lighting と言います。 他の例文: I saw lightning and heard thunder. 「稲妻を見て、雷の音を聞いた。」
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Thunderstorm

Thunder = 雷 Storm = 嵐 ですので、thunderstormは雷を伴った雨という意味です。 A thunderstorm is coming
  • There's thunder and rain.

  • There's a thunderstorm and it's raining.

  • I'm soaking wet from the rain and the thunder is scary!

Maybe not always necessary to say that it is 'raining' in a thunderstorm as it is usually typically raining....but it is possible to have a thunderstorm without rain!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • thunderstorm

こんにちは。 雷雨は「thunderstorm」といいます。 ・雷鳴:thunder ・稲妻:lightning ・雷雨:thunderstorm ・雷雲:thundercloud 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • thunderstorm

If there is only rain then we will just say that it is raining outside. If there is thunder and rain then we call it a thunderstorm. For example: I couldn't sleep last night because of the thunderstorm. I hope that this helps! :)
雨だけなら、'It's raining outside'(外は雨です)などと言えます。雷と雨両方なら、これは 'thunderstorm' と言えます。 例えば: I couldn't sleep last night because of the thunderstorm.(昨日の夜は雨と雷で眠れなかった) 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • a storm

  • a thunderstorm

  • thunder & lightning

We are in the middle of a storm. The storm has a lot of thunder (noise) and lightning (flashes of light). The lightning - flashes of light are called 'strikes' I hope this helps Jane:)
We are in the middle of a storm. 我々は嵐の真っただ中にいる。 The storm has a lot of thunder (noise) and lightning (flashes of light). 雷が鳴り響く嵐だ。 the lightning-稲妻の光で、strikesともいう。 参考になれば Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Thunderstorm

  • Electrical storm

  • Electric storm

Thunderstorm a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail Electrical storm (noun) a thunderstorm _________________________________________________ Example Thunderstorms are scary. Do you like thunderstorms? How much longer will this thunderstorm last? Black clouds announced the coming thunderstorm.
Thunderstorm a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail Thunderstorm=雷雨。 Electrical storm (noun) a thunderstorm Electrical/Electric Storm=雷雨。 _________________________________________________ Example Thunderstorms are scary. Do you like thunderstorms? How much longer will this thunderstorm last? Black clouds announced the coming thunderstorm. ≪例文≫ 「雷雨は恐ろしいです。」 「雷雨は好きですか?」 「この雷雨は、あとどれだけ続くんだろう?」 「黒い雲は、雷雨の到来を告げていた。」
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A thunder storm!

  • I was hiding under the bed during the last thunder storm...

Heavy rain and thunder usually go together when the "weather turns bad". Thunder storms are quite frightening to some people and the noise can be "deafening"! So without the Thunder" ... its just another " heavy downpour". But when the two get together is an all out "thunder storm!"
天気が悪くなると、ひどい雨と雷が伴うことがあります。  Thunder storms(激しい雷雨)は、怖がる人もいますし、音が耳をつんざくほど大きくなることもあります。 雷のない大雨のことを、" heavy downpour"(土砂降り)と言います。 しかし、雷に土砂降りが伴うと、 "thunder storm"と言います。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Thunderstorm.

  • Rainstorm.

  • Electric storm.

These words all describe rain that comes with thunder. "I love thunderstorms, I always feel so excited when they happen."
どれも「雷を伴う雨」を表す言葉です。 "I love thunderstorms, I always feel so excited when they happen." (私は雷雨が大好きです、いつもすっごく興奮します)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Thunderstorm

If it is raining and there is lightning and thunder, it is called a 'thunderstorm'. 'Thunderstorms' can be quite dangerous to human beings. When it is raining and there is a lot of lightning and thunder outdoors, people are advised to stay indoors. If for whatever reason, you are found outdoors while a thunderstorm is in progress, you are advised not to hide under a tree because lightning may strike the tree as is usually the case and you may be affected. So, you may advise a friend as follows: If you are found outdoors during a thunderstorm, never hide under a tree. or We have been advised to stay indoors this afternoon because there will be a heavy thunderstorm.
雨が降り、雷光と雷があることを 'thunderstorm'.と呼びます。雷雨は人にとってとても危険になることがあります。外で雨が降り、雷光が多く、雷が鳴っているのであれば、屋内にいた方が良いです。何らかの理由で雷雨が激しい時に屋外にいる時は、雷光が木に落ちるので木の下に隠れない方が良いです。実際雷光が木に落ち、あなたも影響を受けてしまうかもしれません。ですから友人にこう助言することが出来ます。 例文 If you are found outdoors during a thunderstorm, never hide under a tree. 雷雨の時外にいる場合は、絶対に木の下に隠れないで We have been advised to stay indoors this afternoon because there will be a heavy thunderstorm. 雷雨が激しくなるので、今日の午後は屋内にいるように勧められた
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Thunderstorm.

That is all you need to know.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Storm

  • Shower

There will be a storm today, we will not be able to go to the pool. There will heavy showers tomorrow, they are thinking about cancelling school. I was late to to work due to the storm, my boss told me not let it happen again. It was storming outside, our Saturday plans got cancelled.
There will be a storm today, we will not be able to go to the pool.(今日は嵐になるから、プールには行けない) There will be heavy showers tomorrow, they are thinking about cancelling school.(明日は大雨になるので、休校が検討されている) I was late to to work due to the storm, my boss told me not let it happen again.(嵐のせいで仕事に遅刻してしまいました。上司から「これからはこういうことがないように」と注意されました) It was storming outside, our Saturday plans got cancelled. (土曜日は嵐だったので、計画がキャンセルになりました)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • tempest

  • hurricaine

  • typhoon

These are all the same types of storming weather depending on the part of the world that it occurs. You may also say that it is raining "cats and dogs." This is what we call an idiom. It does not mean that there are literal cats and dogs falling from the sky however it is saying that there is alot of rain. Tempest hurricane and typhoon are special names for heavy storms that occur.
これらは全て「暴風雨」を指します。地域によって呼び方が変わります。 "raining cats and dogs" という表現もあります。これは「イディオム」です。文字通り「ネコと犬が降ってくる」という意味ではありません、「土砂降り」を表します。 "tempest" と "hurricane" "typhoon" は、暴風雨の特別な呼び名です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Thunderous rainfall

  • Thunderstorm

  • Rain and thunder

When it's rainng with thunder, you can describe this weather as :- 1. Thunderous rainfall 2. Thunderstorm 3. Rain and thunder. Example: During the thunderstorm, we had thunderous rainfall, we also expect there to be rain and thunder tomorrow.
「雷雨(雷を伴う雨)」は次のように言えます。 1. Thunderous rainfall(雷雨) 2. Thunderstorm(雷雨) 3. Rain and thunder(雷雨) 例: During the thunderstorm, we had thunderous rainfall, we also expect there to be rain and thunder tomorrow. (嵐の間、雷も鳴っていました。明日も雷雨になる予報です)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thunderstorm

  • /ˈTHəndərˌstôrm/

A thundrstorm is a heavy rain accompanied by thunder (a loud noise) and lightning (flashes of light). Whenever there is thunder it is also lightning that accompanies with it. There are two types of lightning, the cloud to ground lightning which strikes or moves from the sky to any boject on the ground or in cloud lightning which never touches the ground. Thundertors may also be accompanied by strong wind gusts which can also be dangerous because it can blow debris like trees and many more. He's an example of how you can use the word thunderstorm in a sentence. ex: I got caught in a thunderstorm.
"thundrstorm"(雷雨)は、"thunder"(雷鳴)と "lightning"(稲妻)を伴う大雨をいいます。"thunder"(雷鳴)がある所には、必ず "lightning"(稲妻)もあります。 "lightning"(稲妻)には二つのタイプがあります。一つは、空(雲)から地面に落ちるもの。もう一つは空(雲)を走るだけのもの(地面には落ちない)。 "thundrstorm"(雷雨)は強風を伴うこともあります。これは木などのがれきが飛んでくる可能性があり、とても危険です。 以下、"thundrstorm" を使った例文です。 例:I got caught in a thunderstorm.(雷雨に遭ってしまった)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • A thunderstorm

  • Look! There are thunder and lightning at the same time

A most typical way is to call it a thunderstorm but the second sentence can be used too. For example - Did you see a thunderstorm yesterday? It was such huge lighting, isn't it? I was pretty scared!
最も一般的な言い方は "thunderstorm" ですが、二つ目の例のように言うこともできます。 例: Did you see a thunderstorm yesterday? It was such huge lighting, isn't it? I was pretty scared! (昨日の雷見ましたか。稲妻がすごかった。怖かったです)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • thunderstorm

  • rain and thunder

1) thunderstorm 2) rain and thunder 雷雨は英語で thunderstorm や rain and thunder のように表現することができます。 thunder は雷という意味の英語表現です。 storm は嵐という意味です。 rain は雨という意味です。 例: I stayed home during the thunderstorm. 私は雷雨の間、家にいました。
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