"We hope to sell out everyday so that we can always provide freshest of products."
* hope to: 〜〜したい、〜〜を目指す
* sell out: 売り切る(場合によってお金の為に人や主義を裏切る、と言う意味にもなるので要注意)
* everyday: 毎日
* so that: 〜〜する為に
* always: 常に
* provide: 提供する
* freshest: 最も新鮮な (most fresh = freshest)
* product: 商品、製品
We want to sell all of the fresh fruit and vegetables by the end of the day.
We want to ensure that the groceries are as fresh as possible each day.
all of the fresh fruit and vegetables すべての新鮮なフルーツや野菜
want to sell 売りたい
by the end of the day 一日の終わりまでに
to ensure 確認する
groceries 食料品
as fresh as possible できるだけ新鮮に as ~as possible できるだけ~に
each day 一日一日