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2019/08/01 15:24
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  • There are large craters on the moon that might have been caused by meteorites.

  • Craters on the moon look like large circular holes.

The holes that can be seen on the image of the moon are called craters.Such large craters can also be found on the earth.According to scientists, the large,often circular holes could have been caused by meteorites that were pulled by the moon's or earth's gravity when they came too close.The sizes of the holes depend on how large the meteorites were. So, you may say: There are large craters on the moon that might have been caused by meteorites. or Craters on the moon look like large circular holes.
月の表面に見られる穴のことをcratersと言います。とても巨大なクレーターも地球上で見つけられています。 科学者によると、巨大な丸い穴は、月や地球の引力に引っ張らた隕石によって引き起こされるともことです。クレーターのサイズは、隕石がどれくらい大きかったかによります。  There are large craters on the moon that might have been caused by meteorites.  (隕石によって引き起こされたかもしれない巨大なクレーターが月面にある。) Craters on the moon look like large circular holes. (月のクレーターは、巨大な穴のように見える。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The craters are thousands of millions of years old.

  • Craters can be as miles in diameter or they can be couple of feet in diameter.

The craters (holes) are really just big dents from when other things in space have crashed into it. Recent data acquired by the Clementine spacecraft indicates that there is also ice in the bottom of a crater located on the Moon's South pole.
The cratersは、宇宙のある物体が月に衝突したときにできる大きなへこみ(穴)のことを言います。 宇宙船クレメンタインが取得した最近のデータでは、月の南極のクレーターの底に氷があることを示しています。  
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • Crater

Crater ( Cray ter ) is what we call this holes that you can find in the moon, and that you can also find on Earth in some areas! Here are some example sentences as requested. Example sentences : - There are many craters on the moon. - Some craters can even be found on Earth. - A crater is a circular hole within the ground or earth that it caused by a meteorite impact on the surface.
Crater ( Cray ter )は、月に見られる穴のことで、地球のある場所でも見つけることができます。以下は例文です。   例文: - There are many craters on the moon. (月にはたくさんのクレーターがある。) - Some craters can even be found on Earth. (いくつかのクレーターは、地球上でも見つけられる。) - A crater is a circular hole within the ground or earth that it caused by a meteorite impact on the surface. (クレーターは、表面の隕石衝突によって起こる地表の丸い穴です。)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • "Craters"

This image of the moon shows holes on the moon, these holes are most commonly referred to as "craters". Craters are very big dents in the surface of the moon. Example: The moon has unstable ground, due to craters being very common on its surface.
この画像には月の「穴」が写っていますね。この「穴」は一般的に "craters" と呼ばれます。 "craters" は月の表面にできた大きな「くぼみ」をいいます。 例: The moon has unstable ground, due to craters being very common on its surface. (月の表面はクレーターがあり、不安定だ)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Crater

The holes on the moon are called "craters" and you may use this word in a sentence in the following ways: -One cannot see the craters of the moon with the naked eye. They are only visible from pictures taken at close range. -The holes on the moon are called craters
月の表面の「くぼみ」のことは "craters" といいます。 文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -One cannot see the craters of the moon with the naked eye. They are only visible from pictures taken at close range. (月のクレーターは肉眼で見ることはできません。至近距離で撮った写真) -The holes on the moon are called craters(月の表面のくぼみはクレーターと呼ばれます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • We can see craters on the surface of the moon that have been there for millions of years

  • The craters on the moon are responsible for the phrase "The man on the moon"

Craters are the giant holes that we can see on the moon in any picture you can find. They have been there for such a long time before human beings existed. "The man on the moon" is a very common phrase that one would expect to hear from native speakers. If we look at the moon, more so when it is full, we can see what looks like a face due to the craters and the light and therefore we call this"The man on the moon"
"Craters"(クレーター)は、月の写真に必ず写っている大きな穴のことです。これは人類が誕生するはるか前から存在しています。 "The man on the moon" はネイティブスピーカーがよく使うフレーズです。満月の月を眺めていると、クレーターと光でこれが人の顔のように見えてきます。これを "The man on the moon" と表現します。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • The moon is covered in craters formed from meteorites that have fallen to its surface.

  • Craters on the moon remain unchanged for millennia as there is no wind or rain

Craters on the moon are formed by meteorites crashing into the moon's surface. Unlike the Earth, the moon has no atmosphere to burn the meteorites as they fall so many impact on the surface. The craters left on the Earth from a meteorite will gradually erode and change shape due to wind and rain but as the moon has no atmosphere, wind or rain, the craters remain unchanged.
月のクレーターは、月面に隕石が衝突したことでできるものです。地球とは違い、月は表面にものすごくたくさんの衝突が起こるときに、隕石を燃やす大気がありません。 隕石により地球上に残ったクレーターは、徐々に侵食し、風や雨によって変形しますが、月には大気、風、雨がないのでクレーターは形を変えることなく残ります。
Mikey J DMM英会話講師
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