あえて訳すなら"500-yen lunch(500円ランチ)"かなと思います。
私はアメリカ在住なのですが、アメリカには「ワンコイン〇〇」というコンセプトはないと思います。一番大きいコインは 25セントなので…。
ちなみに100円均一のような感覚の"dollar stores(1ドルショップ)"などはあります。
しかし稀にですが、"5 dollar menu"というものを用意しているお店があります。日本も英語圏も「均一料金」には魅力を感じる人が多いようで、これからはこういったお店が増えるかもしれないですね。
Generally in the UK a lunch will cost a little more than 500 yen. Obviously you can buy an expensive lunch if you want to, but if you want to buy a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a drink this will typically cost around £5. You can use one £5 note to pay for this lunch.
Again, a 'quick lunch' or 'quick bite' as we sometimes say are usually cheap and convenient for the consumer. There is no direct equivalent of a 'one-coin lunch' in the UK.
「quick lunch」「quick bite」は普通安くて、消費者にとって便利な食事を言います。
In the UK, we have no such saying as 'A 500 Yen lunch' although it is a totally understandable expression. In the UK from the menu you may either order items individually at a restaurant or take advantage of a fixed price menu which defines the options you may choose.
イギリスには「A 500 Yen lunch(500円ランチ)」ということわざはありません。ただ意味は完全に伝わります。
In the uk we do not have such a thing as a 500 yen lunch instead when visiting a restaurant alot offer what they call a set menu instead of ordering seperate items
so for example you can buy 3 courses for a £10 fixed price on the set menu
英国では、500円ランチ(500 yen lunch)のようなものはないのですが、レストランでは、単品で頼む代わりにセットメニュー(set menu)があります。
例えば、セットメニュー(set menu)では、10ポンド定価で3コース買うことができます。
Of course, there is no 500 yen lunch in the US. But there are many different phrases or terms that different restaurants use to sell a cheap meal. Certain fast food restaurants use phrases like, dollar menu meals, 4 for 4 (you can pick four items from a set menu for only four dollars) 2 for 20 (you can buy 2 meals for 20 dollars) 5 buck lunch (you can get an entire meal for only 5 dollars at lunch time).
dollar menu meals(1ドルメニュー)
4 for 4(4ドルでセットメニューから4つの品目を選ぶことが出来る)
2 for 20(20ドルで2食買うことが出来る)
5 buck lunch(5ドルで食べられるランチ)
In the States, we call anything that is valued at one dollar, a "dollar meal". You can order anything on that particular menu for $1. Also, during lunch time we have a discounted menu called the "lunch" menu. Although it is not for one dollar, it is still a cheaper meal than buying dinner.
アメリカ合衆国では、均一1ドルの食品を"a dollar meal"(1ドルミール)と言います。メニューにあるものはすべて1ドルです。
ランチタイム限定の"lunch menu"(ランチメニュー)もあります。1ドルではありませんが、ディナーを食べるよりは割安です。
When you are able to get a meal for a specific amount of money, then you just call it by that specific amount. For example, if you can get McDonald's for five dollars then you would call it a "five dollar meal".
-I'm a student and I do not always have money so I am always on the look out for five dollar meals
-I'm a student and I do not always have money so I am always on the look out for a restaurant with a five dollar menu
ある特定の金額で食事ができるのでしたら、その金額を具体的に言うといいでしょう。例えば、マクドナルドが5ドルで買えるのなら、"five dollar meal"と言うことができます。
-I'm a student and I do not always have money so I am always on the lookout for five dollar meals
-I'm a student and I do not always have money so I am always on the lookout for a restaurant with a five dollar menu