おっしゃる通り結婚指輪をする指なので the ring finger (指輪の指)と呼ばれています。
親指= the thumb
人差し指= the index finger
中指= the middle finger
小指= the pinkie
(指切りげんまんのことを pinkie promise と言ったりします)
"The fourth finger on your left hand."
Traditionally, the ring is placed on the forth finger of the bride or bridegrooms lefts hand.
This is because it is thought that this finger has a vein that goes directly to the heart!
"The fourth finger on your left hand."
The ring finger is the left fourth finger. If a man/woman wears a ring on that finger it symbolizes/means that they are married.
It is commonly the finger between the middle finger and the little finger, and is so named because in some cultures it is the finger on which one usually wears a wedding ring after marriage.
In some cultures the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger is on the left hand, while in others it is on the right hand.
the ring fingerとは、左手の薬指のことを言います。
「薬指」は英語で ring finger と言います。
人差し指=index finger
中指=middle finger
薬指=ring finger
小指=pinky / little finger
I see there's a ring on your ring finger.
The finger that is usually used to put a ring on is called a ring finger.
The smallest finger next to it is called a "pinky" or "little finger".
The longest finger at the middle is called a "middle finger"
The finger people use to point is called a forefinger
The other finger is called a thumb and people usually use it to signal the word "sure".
I could see she was wearing a wedding band on her ring finger...
Traditionally in Japan its called the "medicine finger";-) But elsewhere it is usually
referred to as "the ring finger..Where the wedding band is placed and remains
as a sign that a person "is taken" ( married.)
伝統的に日本では「薬指」と呼ばれています。しかし、他の国々では通常、the ring fingerと言われます。
薬指はring fingerといいます。
結婚したらその指に指つけるからring fingerになりました!
You have a ring on your ring finger so you must be married right?
My ring finger is dry so ill apply some cream