In order to describe a sky that is covered in clouds and may rain, you can say:
An overcast sky
Overcast means cloudy or covered over with clouds.
'The sky looks overcast today.'
You can also simply say:
It looks like a cloudy day.
The sky looks cloudy.
Another phrase is:
The weather looks gloomy
Gloomy means miserable, sad, downcast.
This word is often used in the UK to describe cloudy or rainy weather.
British people also say 'muggy'
This has a similar meaning to gloomy. It means miserable, murky, dark and gloomy.
We are having some muggy weather today.
The weather looks quite muggy today.
I hope that helps!
an overcast sky
overcast とは雲が多かったり雲に覆われた空のことを意味します。
例 The sky looks overcast today.
It looks like a cloudy day.
The sky looks cloudy.
The weather looks gloomy.
gloomy とは、どんよりしていて、悲しそうな、しゅんとしたような状態を意味します。
イギリスの人は、 muggy という言葉も使います。
これは gloomy と似た意味を持っています。どんよりしていて、濁った、暗くて鬱陶しいことを意味します。
例 We are having some muggy weather today.
例 The weather looks quite muggy today.
Cloudy sky - the sky is full of clouds
"The sky is very cloudy today. I hope it does not rain."
Dark sky - usually refers to a sky that is covered with dark rain clouds
"There is a dark sky outside. You should take an umbrella to work."
Ominous - giving the impression that something bad will happen; if the sky/clouds look ominous, that means that it looks as if it will rain or there will be a storm
"The sky is full of ominous clouds. I think it is not a good idea to go to the park today."
"The sky is very cloudy today. I hope it does not rain."
"There is a dark sky outside. You should take an umbrella to work."
"The sky is full of ominous clouds. I think it is not a good idea to go to the park today."
A 'threatening sky' would be one full of low, dark clouds and possibly reduced visibility.
'Ominous clouds' - These two words are often used together. 'Ominous' means giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen; threateningly inauspicious. 'There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead'.
'A sky with pregnant clouds.' This is a phrase that would more likely be used in poetry or creative writing:
poet David Rubadiri Poet's
An Africa Thunderstorm - Poem by David Rubadiri
From the west
Clouds come hurrying with the wind
Turning sharply
Here and there
Like a plague of locusts
Tossing up things on its tail
Like a madman chasing nothing.
Pregnant clouds
Ride stately on its back,
Gathering to perch on hills
Like sinister dark wings;
The wind whistles by
And trees bend to let it pass.
A 'threatening sky' 低く暗い雲が覆っている空模様を表します。
'Ominous clouds' -この二つはよく一緒に使われます。Ominousとは、何か悪いことが起こりそうな不安な印象を与える、という意味があります。類義語: threateningly inauspicious.
'There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead'. 頭の上に暗い嫌な感じの雲が立ち込めている。
'A sky with pregnant clouds.' ちょっと詩的でクリエイティブなテキストに使える表現です。
実際にDavid Rubadiriという方の詩に使われています。(訳割愛)
An Africa Thunderstorm - Poem by David Rubadiri
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From the west
Clouds come hurrying with the wind
Turning sharply
Here and there
Like a plague of locusts
Tossing up things on its tail
Like a madman chasing nothing.
Pregnant clouds
Ride stately on its back,
Gathering to perch on hills
Like sinister dark wings;
The wind whistles by
And trees bend to let it pass.
Cloudy describes a sky with lots of clouds in it, you can also call such a sky as overcast. To say there is a 'chance' of rain is to say that it is likely that it will rain.
Cloudyとは、空に雲が沢山ある空模様のことです。曇りは、overcastとも言えます。chance of rainとは、おそらく雨が降るだろうという意味です。