世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 18:25
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  • It seems like it's going to rain

  • It's about to rain

  • It looks like it's going to rain

It seems like it’s going to ~ It’s about to ~ ~になりそう(ですね) It seems like it’s going to rain It’s about to rain [雨が降り](そう(ですね) It looks like it's going to rain 雨が降りそう(ですね) seems like ... / looks like ... は「〜しそう」のようなニュアンスです。 どちらの表現も意味・ニュアンスは同じです。 お好みで使い分けてください。 Don't forget to bring your umbrella!:[傘](を忘れないでね
  • It looks like rain.

  • It looks like it's going to rain.

It looks like rain. →[雨が降り](そうだ。 It looks like it's going to rain. →雨が降りそうだ。 二つの文は同じ意味です。 「空模様から判断して(空を見た感じ)」ということでしたら、look like がいいかと思います。 {語句} look like [~のように見える]( (英辞郎 より) ---- よかったら参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • It looks like rain.

  • I think it's going to rain.

  • Did you bring your umbrella?

Did you bring your umbrella? =You are stating indirectly that you think it will rain.
Did you bring your umbrella?=婉曲的に雨が降るだろうことを示唆しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Looks like we're gonna be in for some rain!

この表現はよく会話などで使われます。「雨に降られそうな雲行きだな〜」といった訳になります。 雨でなくても他の現象の際にも利用可能です!
  • It looks like it is about to rain.

  • It's going to rain.

  • Did you bring an umbrella?

Did you bring an umbrella?? Indirect way of telling another person that it is going to rain soon An umbrella protects people from rain ___________________________________________________________ Examples A: It's cloudy today B: It looks like it is about to rain. A: It's going to rain soon. B: How do you know? A: The clouds are rolling in. A: Did you bring an umbrella? B: No, why? A: It looks like it is going to rain
Did you bring an umbrella?? Indirect way of telling another person that it is going to rain soon An umbrella protects people from rain 「傘を持って来た?」 間接的に雨が降りそうなことを相手に伝えている。Umbrella=傘は、雨から人を守るります。___________________________________________________________ Examples ≪例文≫ A: It's cloudy today (今日は曇ってるね) B: It looks like it is about to rain. (雨が降りそうだね) A: It's going to rain soon. (もうすぐ雨が降るよ) B: How do you know? (なんでわかるの?} A: The clouds are rolling in. (雲がどんどん集まってきているから) A: Did you bring an umbrella? (傘持ってきた?) B: No, why? (ううん、なんで?) A: It looks like it is going to rain (雨が降りそうだから)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It will rain soon

  • Rain is imminent

  • It will rain shortly

The simple and easy way to describe rain imminent is just to say " I think it will rain soon". However there are many things we can say to express the idea of rain soon. We can describe the clouds, the color of the sky , smell in the air or the weather report of precipitation for the day . When rain is about to fall you can smell the wetness in the air which is why we can say " It's going to pour , the air is filled with the smell of the rain" or " I can smell the rain in the air ". When it is going to rain usually the clouds turn from white and puffy to a grey color. So when you see a grey cloud in the sky we call those rain clouds , so you could say " Wow look at those grey clouds coming, it is going to rain soon" . If the weather report for the day said is suppose to rain and it looks like it will soon, then you can say " the weatherman was right look at the grey sky, it will rain shortly "
差し迫る雨を表すシンプルで簡単な言い方が “I think it will rain soon.” (もうすぐで雨が降りそうです。) しかしながら、雨が時期来そうなことを表す表現はたくさんあります。 雲や空の色や空気の匂いの様子、また、その日の降水量の天気予報を表すことができます。 雨が降ってきそうなとき、空気の湿気の匂いを感じ取れるので、 “It’s going to pour; the air is filled with the smell of the rain.” (雨がふりそう、空気が雨の匂いでいっぱいです。) や “I can smell the rain in the air.” (空気中の雨の匂いがします。) など、いうことができます。 雨がふりそうなとき、大抵雲は白くてフワフワから灰色に変わります。 だから、そういった灰色の雲のことを”rain clouds”ということができます。 “Wow, look at those grey cloud/rain clouds coming. It is going to rain soon.” (わぁ、灰色の雲/雨雲がきているのをみて!雨がふりそうですね。) もしその日の天気予報で雨が降るだろうと言われて、雨が降りそうにみえるなら、 “The weatherman was right. Look at the grey sky. It will rain shortly.” (天気予報日は正しかったですね。灰色がかった空をみて!雨が降りそうです。)
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • It looks like it's going to rain.

  • It might rain.

  • There's a good chance (that) it will rain.

1. Looks like - based on your observation, you can consequently state something. 2. Be going to - used for future prediction. For example: "he is going to be a doctor in the future. " or "I am going to win the competition next month." 3. Might - uncertainty. For example. I might play soccer tomorrow. In other words, It is not a fact. 4. A chance - there is a possibility that something could happen.
1. looks likeは自分の観察に基づいて喋る時に使います。 2. be going to は未来の予想に使います。 例えば、he is going to be a doctor in the next month. や I am going to win the competition next monthなど。 3 Might- 不確定要素が大きいとき 例えば、I might play soccer tomorrow:例えば事実と違うかもしれない、という時に使います。 4. A chance:起こる可能性を指します。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • It seems as though it will rain.

  • It appears as if it will rain.

  • It looks like it will rain.

The verb 'seems' has been used here to give a particular impression, and that is 'as though' it will rain (or 'is going to rain') 'It appears' is interchangeable with 'it seems' and 'it looks like'. You may use any of them an they will give the same meaning. 'As if' and 'as though' are also interchangeable, usage of either of them will give the same meaning. So, you may say: It seems as though it will rain. or It appears as if it will rain. or It looks like it will rain. or He looks like he succeeded. or I feel as though I have been tricked.
'seems'という動詞は、ある印象を与えるためにここで使われていて、それは”まるで雨が降るかのように(又は雨が降りそうな)”ということです。 'It appears'は、 'it seems'、'it looks like'と置き換えることができます。これらの表現は同じ意味なので、どの表現を使うことができます。 'As if'と'as though'も置き換え可能で、どちらを使っても同じ意味になります。こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 It seems as though it will rain. まるで雨が降りそうだ It appears as if it will rain. 雨が降りそうだ It looks like it will rain. 雨が降りそうだ He looks like he succeeded. 彼は成功したようだ I feel as though I have been tricked. 騙されたような気分だ
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It looks/seems like it is about to rain.

This means that you can tell that it will rain soon because of the dark clouds and the thunder and lighting For example: A:It looks/seems like it is about to rain. B: Why do you say so? A: The clouds are getting darker and there is lighting and thunder.
黒い雲、雷、稲妻があるので、もうすぐ雨が降りそうだということが分かるという意味です。 【例文】 A:It looks/seems like it is about to rain.(雨が降りそうに見えるね) B: Why do you say so?(何で?) A: The clouds are getting darker and there is lighting and thunder.(雲が黒くなってきていて、雷と稲妻があるから)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Looks like it going to rain.

  • Should of wore my raincoat.

The first one is a easy simple way of saying its going to rain. The second one is you expressing that you think its going to rain so you should have worn a rain coat.
一つ目の例は「雨が降りそうですね」のシンプルな言い方です。 二つ目の例では、「(雨が降りそうなので)レインコートを着てくればよかった」と伝えています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • It looks like it's going to rain.

例えば下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: ・It looks like it's going to rain. 雨が降りそうですね。 looks like it's going to rain は「雨が降りそう」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 シンプルですが使いやすい英語フレーズだと思います。 例: It looks like it's going to rain. Did you bring an umbrella? 雨が降りそうですね。傘は持ってきましたか? お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
  • It looks like it's going to rain.

  • Maybe it'll start raining.

  • I think it's going to rain.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) It looks like it's going to rain. 「雨が降り出しそうに見える」 Maybe it'll start raining. 「多分雨が降り始めるだろう」 I think it's going to rain. 「雨が降り出すと思う」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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