My English conversation skills aren't improving despite the number of years I have been studying them,
because I take the DMM English conversation lessons for a few months, take a rest for a few months when my work gets busy and come back when I have some free time. I keep on repeating this cycle.
"My English conversation skills aren't improving despite the number of years I have been studying them"=「私の英会話は何年勉強していても進歩しません」
"because I take the DMM English conversation lessons for a few months"=「なぜかというと、数か月DMMの英会話レッスンを受けて」
"take a rest for a few months when my work gets busy"=「仕事が忙しくなると、数か月受講を休み」
"and come back when I have some free time."=「そして時間に余裕ができたら、戻ってくる」
"I keep on repeating this cycle."=「そのサイクルを繰り返しています。」