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2016/07/27 18:36
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  • What temperature do you want the air conditioner set to?

  • What temperature do you want the AC set to?

「エアコンの設定温度は何度にしますか?」は英語に訳すとこのようは自然です。 What temperature do you want the air conditioner set to? What temperature do you want the AC set to? 「エアコン」や「冷房」は英語では「air conditioner」になります。「Air conditioner」の略は「AC」です。どちらも使えば「エアコン」の事を伝われます。 「設定」ー> set to 「温度」ー> temperature 例文: A: What temperature do you want the AC set to? A: エアコンの設定温度は何度にしますか? B: I think 25 degrees is good for me. B: 私にとって、25度はちょうどいいと思うよ。 C: Really? I'm covered it sweat! Do you mind turning the temperature down a little bit? C: 本当に? 私は汗だらけだよ!温度を少し下げてもらいませんか? 英語を頑張りましょう:)
  • What tempurature do you set your air conditioner to usually?

What tempurature 何度 do you set 設定 your air conditioner あなたのエアコン usually 普段
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • What temperature should I set it at?

  • How hot would you like it?

  • How cold would you like it.

When turning on the conditioner and you wish to ask what temperature you should set it to, then you may use one of the above exampled sentences. Depending on whether it is being adjusted for heat or coolness, then you may choose which sentence is most appropriate.
エアコンをつけるとき、その設定温度を何度にしたらいいか尋ねたいなら、上記の文のいずれかが使えます。 暖かくするのかそれとも涼しくするのかによって、これらを使い分けることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What temperature would you like the air conditioner set to?

  • What temperature should I set the AC?

What temperature would you like the air conditioner set to? This first example is quite formal. Using "would you like" rather than "want" can soften the question, and makes the speaker sound more polite. Also, saying "air conditioner" completely, rather than abbreviating it as "AC" is proper and formal. What temperature should I set the AC? This example is more natural and commonly heard than the first one. Rather than using "would you like", we can use "should I" to pose the question more casually. Also, using the abbreviation, "AC" is very common.
What temperature would you like the air conditioner set to?(エアコンの設定温度は何度にしますか) この一つ目の例はかなりフォーマルです。"want" の代わりに "would you like" を使うと質問がソフトになり、より丁寧です。また、"AC" と省略せずに "air conditioner" と言うのは、丁寧でフォーマルです。 What temperature should I set the AC?(エアコンの設定温度は何度にしますか) この例は一つ目の例よりも自然で一般的です。"would you like" の代わりに "should I" を使うと、よりカジュアルになります。また、省略形の "AC" を使うのも非常に一般的です。
Tom Pe DMM英語講師
  • What's a good temperature setting for you?

  • What's a comfortable setting for you?

When asking questions and the person knows what you are referring to, you do not have to use "air conditioner" as a noun. You want to set the air conditioner at a temperature that is comfortable for everybody so that nobody gets cold or too hot.
相手が何について言っているか分かるときは、"air conditioner" に言及する必要はありません。 誰も寒いと感じたり暑すぎると感じることがないよう、みんなにとって心地の良い温度にエアコンを設定する必要があります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What temperature should we set the air conditioner to?

  • How hot or cold do you want the air conditioner set to?

If you want to ask what temperature you should set the air conditioner to, you can ask any of the following sentences:- 1. What temperature should we set the air conditioner to? 私たちはどのくらいの温度にエアコンを設定すべきですか? 2. How hot or cold do you want the air conditioner set to?
エアコンの設定温度を何度にすれば良いか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 1. What temperature should we set the air conditioner to? エアコンは何度に設定すれば良いですか。 2. How hot or cold do you want the air conditioner set to? エアコンは何度に設定すれば良いですか。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • what is the most economical setting for the air conditioner?

what temperature setting is the most economical to have the air conditioner set to? meaning which setting on the air conditioner will not add too much extra to your electric bill. you can ask a guest in your home "are you too cold/hot? shall I change the temperature of the air conditioner for you?"
What temperature setting is the most economical to have the air conditioner set to? (エアコンのどの温度設定が最も経済的ですか) これは「エアコンのどの設定が最も節約になりますか」という意味です。 ---- 自分の家に招いたお客さんに次のように聞くことができます。 "Are you too cold/hot? shall I change the temperature of the air conditioner for you?" (寒いですか/暑いですか。エアコンの温度を変えましょうか)
Hanna M DMM英会話講師
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