I'm going to ask you to introduce yourself and tell me the reason why you want to study English at the beginning of our first lesson.
I'd like you to tell me a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in learning English to start off our first lesson.
ーI'm going to ask you to introduce yourself and tell me the reason why you want to study English at the beginning of our first lesson.
to ask you to introduce yourself で「あなたに自己紹介をするようお願いする」
the reason why you want to study English で「あなたがなぜ英語を勉強したいかの理由」
ーI'd like you to tell me a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in learning English to start off our first lesson.
to tell me a little bit about yourself で「あなたについて私に少し話す」=「あなたの自己紹介をする」
why you're interested in learning English で「なぜあなたが英語学習に興味を持っているか」
I would like you to introduce yourself and explain why you're studying English.
・I would like you to introduce yourself and explain why you're studying English.
(例文)Since this is our first lesson, I would like you to introduce yourself and explain why you're studying English.